Introduction: DIY a Missing Call Monitor

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This is a love light made with WIO Link that when you missed your honey or someone special calls, It will automatically turn the light into red. And it will turn green again until you call back. What’s more you don’t need any programing.

My girlfriend and I are in two different cities, the phone is our only way of communication. But my job is too busy, and I always missed her calls. What’s worse is that I always forget to call her back! So I made this device to remind me whether I missed my girlfriend call and don’t forget to call her back.

Step 1: What Do You Need

There're few things need to prepare first.

  • Wio Link
  • Grove WS2812 LED Strip
  • WIO Link APP
  • 3mm woden board

Step 2: Make a Beautiful Shell

I regard this love light device as a work of art, so I cut a beautiful wooden box. I guess you don't have a laser cutting at home, you can find some in the hacker space near from you easily. If there's no hacker space nearby, you can try the Laser Cutting Service supply by Seeed.

And then I cut a missed call icon using Acrylic sheet, just as picture below shows.

You can download the design drawings by click 2D File.
Use glue gun to fix the wooden box as shown at above image.

Step 3: Configure Your Wio Link

Before you configure the WIO Link, make sure the WiFi around you works well. If this is your first time to use Wio Link, please follow Getting Started with Wio Link to get started.

Then configure your Wio Link as the picture below shows. And Click UPDATE FIRMWARE on the upper right corner.

After updating the firmware, you can see the API of your WIO Link, Have a try and light your LED Strip.

Step 4: Configure Your IFTTT App

Download the IFTTT APP from the APP store.

Then configure the IFTTT APP as the video shows.

Step 5: Test It

When the whole things about had been done, you can test it now.

Make a phone call to your phone, then hung it up.

Your device should turn to red now. Cheers.