Introduction: DIY Air Freshener

after using up my 5 dollar bottle of Febreeze in a week got me thinkig how i can my own air deodeorizer. Trust me, this does the drink

Step 1: What You Need

you will need:

85 percent warm water water
5 - 20 percent of your best smelling filtered vodka. (mix around with it)
little bit of cinnamon extract
and some salt
and some !!COLD!! corn oil

Step 2: Time to Mix Around With It

start boiling the water

gradually stir in the vodka, cinnamon, salt, and corn oil. Using a grater. make little soap shaving into the warm water. wait until they dissolve

pour into bottle and spray over fabrics !!!not silk , leather, or anything valuable!!!

this may not smell the greatest, BUT it kills bacteria and such. Try it out!