Introduction: DIY Flexible Tie Ties (CHEAP)

There are a number of flexible ties on the market and they range from 5-10 dollars. Here is a way to customize them to whatever color and length that you want, and to do it for a fraction of what they cost retail!

8 guage (1/8 inch) aluminum ground wire. I had some in the garage, but you can find it on ebay for about 15 bucks for 50 feet.
550 paracord
Razor Blade

Step 1:

Cut a piece of the ground wire to the length that you want your tie to be.

Cut a section of paracord 3/4 inch longer than the wire.

Pull the center cordage from the paracord.

Step 2:

Feed the wire into the center of the paracord. Leave approximately 3/8 of an inch over the end of the wire. When the wire is centered in the paracord, use your lighter or small torch to melt the cord, this will lock the wire inside and cover any sharp ends.

THAT IS IT!! You are done. Use them to manage cords, hang items, bind things to your pack....YOU NAME IT.