Introduction: DIY IPod Stand
This is a very simple make-at-home iPod stand. It will, in theory, support any iPod except the Shuffle. Full credit for plans and design to Piers Morgan of You can find the original instructions here.
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This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.
Step 1: Tools
For this instructable you will need:
A. Scissors
B.Cardstock, cardboard, thick paper, etc., etc.
C. Tape (or stapler)
D. A printer
E. An iPod with a connector cable (dur)
A. Scissors
B.Cardstock, cardboard, thick paper, etc., etc.
C. Tape (or stapler)
D. A printer
E. An iPod with a connector cable (dur)
Step 2: Print It Out!
Using either file at the bottom of this step, insert your card[whatever] into the printer and print the file out.
The custom file is a blank stand, while the other has an iPod shuffle arrow design on it.
The custom file is a blank stand, while the other has an iPod shuffle arrow design on it.
Step 3: Cut It Out!
Well, cut out the stand! What else!
Make sure to cut out the lines noted in the close up. The pictures make this much clearer.
Only cut on the solid lines.
Make sure to cut out the lines noted in the close up. The pictures make this much clearer.
Only cut on the solid lines.
Step 4: Fold. Fun. Repeat.
Fold on the dotted lines. All folds are mountain folds. Only the dotted lines. ONLY!
Step 5: Tape. W00t.
Tape or staple the two flaps on the back together. Again, clearer in the picture.
Step 6: Le Fin!
Done! And now, for your in-instructable entertainment, the iPod Stand finished pictures!