Introduction: DIY Nail Wraps
Because it's half term holiday, I decided to paint my nails, since I'm not allowed to at school. However, I am the worst at painting my own nails, so I decided to make some nail wraps instead. Okay, I didn't do them very neatly, but they're better than doing the patterns straight onto my nails! Here's how to make them :)
Step 1: Supplies
You'll need:
Plain paper
Binder wallet
Nail polish: base coat, top coat, any colours you want
Pencils or pens in the colours of the nail polishes
Cocktail sticks (or nail art tools or nail art nail polish)
Nail file
Q-tips / cotton buds
Nail polish remover
Step 2: Base and Planning
Estimate the size of each of your nails, then draw them on some paper. If you want to plan your nail designs, then do this twice. When you've drawn out the outline of your nails, put the paper in the binder wallet and paint a base coat where the nails are (trying not to go out of the lines, but it doesn't matter that much if you do). Then on your other paper with nail outlines on, you can plan your designs while the base coat is drying.
Step 3: First Layer of Colour
When the base coat is dry, add the first layer of colour. Remember that all the nails don't have to be the same colour. While that's still very wet, you can practice doing the designs at the bottom of the wallet with your nail art, or nail polish and cocktail sticks. Then, even if the nail polish is still a bit wet, use your q tips/cotton buds and nail polish remover to neaten up the nail wraps if you went a bit wobbly or over the lines.
Step 4: Designs and Top Coat
When the colour has dried, using your nail art, or polish and cocktail sticks, add on your designs. (Mine are really messy, I'm really bad at this, and my nail art was breaking and clogged up!). Then add a tops coat when the designs have dried.
Step 5: Applying and Filing
When the top coat has dried, take out the paper from inside the wallet and peel off the nail wraps and out them on your nails. If they aren't sticking very well (depends what type of nail polish you have) then you can add a base coat straight onto your nails before putting the wraps on. Then file the extra bits of the wraps off the end of your nails. If any of the wrap was too wide and has gone onto your skin, just use some nail polish and q-tips / cotton buds to take it off.
Step 6: Finished!
Now you're done! Mine were really messy, I get really impatient with nails. I hope you found this 'ible useful :)