Introduction: DODOcase Head Strap - Build Night
Last month the Dover Public Library hosted an Instructables' Build Night. Our patrons were able to come in and build their own DODOcase, a Smartphone Virtual Reality Viewer. Our task was to think of modifications to make the viewer even better! Certain reality games require a controller.
After a small discussion our participants agreed it would be great if the DODOcase also had a head strap that would allow users to keep their hands free. We decided to use the 3D printer to create brackets that could be attached to the outside of the case.
Everyone had a fantastic time and it was wonderful to watch kids and teens enthusiastically using these devices. Thank you Instructables for allowing us to put on this event!
You Will Need:
1 - DODOcase
2 - Elastic Band Holders (We downloaded a holder mount file from and used our 3D Printer to create them, but they can be purchased at any craft store).
Wood Glue
1 - Elastic Strap
Step 1: Attach the Elasstic Holder
Apply a thin coat of wood glue to the underside of the elastic mount holder. Firmly press the mount to the outside wall of the case. Our printer uses a PLA plastic, we found that wood glue really worked the best for attaching the mounts to the cardboard.
Step 2: Feed the Strap Through the Mount
Once you are sure the glue has completely dried, feed the elastic strap through the holders. Be sure to cut the strap longer than you need so it can be adjusted as needed.