Introduction: DROMSY - Connected Kids-friendly Alarm Clock Based on ESP8266, MAX7219 and IKEA DROMSYN Wall Lamp Hack

DROMSY is an IKEA DRÖMSYN wall lamp hacked into an Internet connected alarm clock for my kids using an ESP8266. The entire cost of the project is less than 20 USD.

Main Features (currently available):

- He is ALIVE !! DROMSY helps kids and parents keep a regular and fun go-to-bed routine. It also lets kids know when the night is over and it is OK to get out of bed. DROMSY likes to sleep a little bit longer on weekends like kids and parents do.

- DROMSY listens to its environment at night, he may even become unhappy if he hears too much noise when kids are supposed to be sleeping.

- DROMSY is connected to Internet and know what day and time it is automatically. No need to configure the local time manually on daylight savings changes or if the main power is cut.

- DROMSY can be fully configured wirelessly via a web portal from a smartphone or computer located in the same Wifi network.

- DROMSY plays your kids favourite music to wake them up ! Just load into the SD card their favourite mp3 files.

Future Features (under-development)

- DROMSY knows a lot of stories that he can tell to your kids so they fall asleep and have sweet dreams.

- DROMSY logs how healthy your kids sleep is and reports it to you via its web portal.

Bill of Materials


3.2$ NODE MCU ESP8266 -

1.34$ - MAX7219 8x8 LED Matrix Display -

4$ - MAX7219 4 in one Display -

4.89$ - mini SD card 8GB -

1.21 $ - mini MP3 player module -

1.20$ - Sound detector module -

One switch, one usb cable with main power adapter (re-used from an old smartphone), one 1kOhm resistor, one small speaker (re-used from an old laptop) and one prototyping board.


Available on Github