Introduction: Dancing LED's

About: Indie game developer that loves arduino and LEDs and gaming and stuff.
Create LED's to dance to your music!

You will need:
• a small 8 ohm speaker
• code 104 capacitor
• 35v 10 uf capacitor
• LED (single- or multi-color)
• Audio transformer
• breadbord
• Audio cable

Step 1: Start the Build

Put the audio cable L/R in the rail's positive and the negative in the negative rail.

Step 2: Capacitor

Put the capacitor in the other rail so stop tearing in the speaker.

Step 3: LED

Add an LED in the same rail as the capacitor.

Step 4: Add the Transformer

Add the smaller coil on the led's rail.

Step 5: Finish the Transformer

Add the larger coil to the audio input rail.

Step 6: Add a Capacitor

Add the 10uf capacitor from the audio rail to the breadboard and connect a speaker to the same pin. Connect the negative of the speaker to the negative of the audio rail. Plug it in and play!