Introduction: Danny's Knex M4 Carbine Working Modle

About: I like supersmash and like to make knex guns in my spare time and i play videogames and my favorite cadigory is shooter.
hahhahahahahaha. I've finnally done it, I have took all the pics and now it in the insructable format. This gun was inspired by dannys m4 carbine unworking modle. Good acuracy and it goes 43+ ft.
Its sturdy and it looks like an m4 carbine. It has no trigger yet, so I need your help. Removeable stock, reinforced pin, its cocked like a real m4, removeable attachments, sight, removeable clip, and bullpup desine. Any addons will be posted in later steps in the instructable.

Also alteria1993 made some nice attachmentsfor version 1,so all attachment credits go to him!

Step 1: Side Covers.

make two of these as shown(make sure you add the orange connectors)

Then make this, two white rods, two orange, and two blue rings.

Then connect the two sides and attach the orange piece here.

Step 2: Barrel


Step 3: Handle

make the two frames. and connect like so.

Step 4: Ram

make the rams and the tracks and put it together in the ram connector.

Step 5: Stock

this is the stock that completes the gun. you dont half to make this but i prefer you do for added support.

Make the two frames and the connectors and connect the stock with the gun and the ram track with the stock.

Step 6: Clip and Carrying Handle

this is simple, just add the carrying handle, and the clip(i didint take the clip apart but it gives you the idea of it)

Step 7: Finish

finally it took me hours to do this. so here is what the gun should look like.