Introduction: Danubio Pizza

About: I love creating. I love ART in all its forms. I am a daughter of the 50s, born in 1992. I had the pleasure to be a Featured Author on this fabulous site, and you can read my interview here: https://www.instr…

This recipe is usually made with a different kind of dough and filled with ham and provola cheese but I revisited it using my favorite pizza dough and filling it with tomato sauce and mozzarella. Depending on your taste, you can add ingredients or change them will turn out delicious in any way!

Step 1: Ingredients

For the dough:
  • 500 gr (2.17 cups) flour
  • 250 ml (1.05 cups) warm water
  • 50 ml (3.38 tbs) olive oil
  • 25 gr (0.88 oz) yeast
  • 12,5 gr (about 2 1/4 tsp) salt
For the filling:
  • tomato sauce
  • mozzarella
  • (whatever you like!)

Step 2:

First of all dissolve the yeast in the warm water you prepared for the dough.

Now mix flour, olive oil and warm water with yeast together and add about a teaspoon of sugar: it's important to activate the yeast.
Add salt and keep mixing until you obtain a homogeneous dough.

Let it rest for an hour covering the bowl with a cloth.

Step 3:

Meanwhile prepare your tomato sauce and mozzarella: cut your mozzarella in small cubes.

After an hour, take your leavened dough and divide it in 8 equal pieces. Place them in a round baking tin.

Step 4:

Take one of the dough pieces and press in a couple of cubes of mozzarella and add a little bit of tomato sauce. Pull the edges of the dough down around the filling and seal. Don't exaggerate with the filling otherwise you won't be able to close the dough. 
Place it back on the baking tin.

Repeat with the remaining pieces.

Let the dough pieces rise for about a half hour (or more if you can) covering everything with a cloth.

Step 5:

Once your dough has leavened, lightly brush the tops of the dough pieces with olive oil.

Bake at 200C (400F) for 20 minutes.

Your Danubio Pizza is ready to be eaten!!!

Pizza Contest

Participated in the
Pizza Contest