Introduction: Darth Vader Costume Mod
My wife got me a cheap Darth Vader costume from Target to hand out candy on Halloween. It begged to be modded!
This uses a BS2 and some LEDs to make a cheap costume rad. The neighborhood kids loved it!
This uses a BS2 and some LEDs to make a cheap costume rad. The neighborhood kids loved it!
Step 1: Parts
19 Leds
1 Solderless breadboard
2 9 volt batteries
16 470 ohm resistors
wire, lots of wire
Wire strippers
soldering iron
Serial port
19 Leds
1 Solderless breadboard
2 9 volt batteries
16 470 ohm resistors
wire, lots of wire
Wire strippers
soldering iron
Serial port
Step 2: Solder Time
I soldered the resistors in line with the wire to the LEDS positive leg.
I plugged them in to the breadboard in pins 1-16 of the BS2.
I ran one wire from the negative of the 9v battery out to the "chest plate" of the costume, wear I ran it to all of the negative leads on the LEDs.
I plugged them in to the breadboard in pins 1-16 of the BS2.
I ran one wire from the negative of the 9v battery out to the "chest plate" of the costume, wear I ran it to all of the negative leads on the LEDs.
Step 3: Poke Holes
I poked a hole with a pin through the "chest plate" of the vader costume wherever there was a colored dot or box on the costume.
Step 4: Mask
There were two chrome plastic dots on the mask, I popped those out and replaced them with blue LEDs. I added one led in the middle of the mask to add some more glow to it. I wired them in series and ran them off of a seperate 9v battery.
Step 5: Program the BS2
As usual I waited until the last minute to do this. So I reused the code from my Blinking Courier Bag Light. Loaded it with MacBS2.
Step 6: Holder
I used a little AWP tool pouch to hold it all on my belt loop.
Step 7: Rock
Now play an mp3 from the movie, impress the kids, and alienate yourself from the neighbors.