Introduction: Davinci Junior NFC Mod
- NFC tag holder
- NFC Ntag213
- A filament holder
- Filament from a company other than XYZ printing
- NFCXYZ Refill Tag Pro
Step 1: Step 1: Download App
Download the XYZ Refill Tag Pro from the appstore.
the app costs 1 euro but it works really good so its worth it.
You can program your NFC Ntag213 tags easily with the app. you only have to place the tag above your phone and fill in the necessary things. when you press write tag. the tag is ready to go.
Step 2: Step 2: Print the Tag Holder
print the tag holder using this step file. you can stick the nfc Ntag213 in this holder.
I recommend printing a new holder for every color filament you have so that you don't have to reprogram your tags every time.
you can place this holder in the printer and the printer thinks there is normal filament.
Step 3: Step 3: Optional Filament Holder
Most filament rolls are bigger then those from XYZ so your have to have a filamant roll keeper. you can print this one and use it in conjunction with:
- Bearings 5x3x9mm
- Spill 5x20mm