Introduction: Dell Inspiron 1525 - Memory Up Grade

About: Just your average non engineer in beautiful New Zealand, solving my seemingly unique problems because I cant find any one else that has.
Location: New Zealand

I am the type of guy that tends to stay well clear of the guts of computers but when I brought my laptop with not enough RAM to do much more than start up (thanks Dell for letting me do that)

one day I just had to do something about it - since they were going to charge me about 700 bucks for parts and labour, I figured id have to find a way to do it my self... particularly since every one told me it was a piece of piss!

A search of Instructabledidnt reveal any one else who had done this model number... So here it is

Step 1: What You Need..


--Firstly you are going to need your new RAM chips (modules I believe they are called)

Every computer has a maximum amount of RAM you can add, in my case it is 4.0Gigs, so since I had two RAM slots, I needed 2x 2.0 Gig RAM chips
(If you dont know your maximum... and you dont your max - have a look at the dell web site you can find out there)

Since I know nothing about computers I wrote down the all the numbers and took them to the PC shop: 2 x 2.0 Gig "So Dimm 667MHz Dual Channel DDR2 SDRAM" chips please....

--you also need a small + head jewelers screw driver to fit the screw holes in the case.

STATIC, now halve the people i talk to say you dont really need to worry about static - ( transfering from you to the computers delicate guts and zapping it..) and i certinaly observe people in pc shops not seeming to give a darn about it.. The other halve of people reckon you should worry about it and so put on an anti static braclet which they clip to the metal frame of the pc.

once when i was installing a drive in to my desktop, i did create my own such static device by soldering a nice metal alligator clip to the end of a lenght of insulated copper wire, i clipped the alligator clip on to the metal frame of the PC. stripped off a good lenght of insulation on the other end and taped it around my wrist... so up to you ? - any comments from those in the know?

Step 2: Lets Be Safe...

1.) Un plugs the Laptop from the power (and yes turns it off)

2.) Flip it over and take the battery out as well...

4.) This is the panel you want to remove in this model of Dell inspiron, undo the marked screws, and leave them in their holes, they seem to stay there quite fine.

5.) Put our finger under the cover where the blue arrow is and ease it up (you may need to finish unscrewing any reluctant screws.

Once the cover is free it seems to come off in the opposite direction to the blue arrow... Set aside

Step 3: Cover Me I Am Going in ....

6.) So once the lid is off you can see the guts, my photos are a bit crap, so i have high lighted the location of the Chips with the orange box.

I figured it wasn’t a good idea to touch anything other than I needed to... lost of people tell tales of bolts of static frying the computer others reckon its rubbish.,. Hold the metal frame while you stand naked freezing in the kitchen if you’re worried...

Once you know your Max ram install, you can always see what type by reading these labels too...

In this model there are two chips one on top one underneath... so logically you first remove the upper chip.

7.) You will note on either side of the upper chip to bits of metal clips, (see high lighted by the orange lines) place your finger tips on the little lump you can see at the top of the clip and push them at the same time apart.

8.) Once released the RAM chip will pop up in its mount at about a 20 degree angle.

9.) Grasp the chip with your fingers as shown in the picture, up finger tip gripping the two little curves in the side of the chip (out lined in red) and pull the chip backwards in the direction of the red arrow.

10.) Once the first and upper most chips are out, repeat the process with the lower one. The clips in this case while working exactly the same are made of grey looking plastic (check picture 10 a) (in this example the bottom chip has already been removed)

Step 4: The New Stuff..

11.) Take your first new RAM chip out of its packet being careful to hold it just as shown, and not touch the gold connection pins. Swing it straight over to the lower RAM chip mount.

12.) Next spin the chip around as required so the wee notch in the pins (out lined in red) matches up with the wee "tooth" on the mount..... That’s right you can only put this chip in one way... make sure you have it right so you dont break it!

13.) now in exact reverse of taking the last chip out, slid the connectors in to the mount plug and using both fingers still holding the chip properly (not like this picture) push it firmly in to the plug till the gold pretty much disappears from sight.

Then push the RAM chip down towards the table you are working on (finger tip in the middle of the white label should do it...) and the little clips on either side will click in to place..... You’re done.

13.) (a) now repeat the entire process for the upper chip, and push down so the clips click in to place....

Wow that was easy wasn’t it!

Step 5: Nurse Hand Me That Lid...

14.) So now you go back in to reverse mode and put the lid back on, noting the tabs (shown here in red circles)... I found it was easier to locate the bottom two first then slide in the left side one

15.) place it flat, and then turn the screws gently one or two turns back wards until you feel them click ( stops cross threading) and then turn them the right way up tight.

Put the battery back in, plug in the mains and turn it on

Hit F2 as soon as it has its thinking face on (it usually says top right... "F2 for setup")

16.) The next thing that happened was it gave to blips of pain or was it indignant noises, and displayed this message about the change in the memory.

Hit F2.... again and it goes off and tells you how much memory is installed and how much is free with a few other scary sentences...

Basically if it reads the new amount like it did for me then it’s all good... if it doesn’t..... Don’t ask me ;-)

Then I hit ESC and confirmed that I really did want to leave... and it’s been great fun doing lots of things open at once.... from one gig to four...