Introduction: Design a PCB Using a Etch Marker and Ferric Chloride.
Step 1: Choose Your Marker.
I prefer to use an etch resistant marker ordered off the internet to lay-out my PCB's. Any permanent marker will do if you want to free hand draw the design on the board but in order to transfer the design from a print-out, toner markers or etch resistant markers must be used.
Step 2: Choose the Design.
Choose the design you wish to copy onto your copper board. You can find lots of cool designs from various sites or if your good make your own. Print off the size you want ontomagazine paper if you want to transfer the design onto the board. Remember this way is done because not everyone can afford to have a laser jet printer with toner ink. If you don't have a printer you can just free hand draw the design onto the board using the marker.
Step 3: Iron on the Printout.
In order for this to work you have to have printed off the design onto magazine paper or a gloosy paper of some sort. Hold the iron firmly down onto the board for 60 sec. After removing the iron you will see the border of your design, trace the border out and fill it all in where you wish to have only copper left.
Step 4: Drying Out the Ink!
I seen this done on a site and it works great! Take your RUBBER HANDLED needle-nose plyers and hold in the toaster to dry out the ink on you board. It usually takes a few mins until the board starts to turn a liitle redish in color. Take out and you ill have to touch up a few area's of ink. Repeat step 4 once more to ensure ink is covered completly over shaded area's.
Step 5: Ferric Chloride Dip
When the board is ready and all drawn out your ready to put it in the ferric chloride. This is an agent that eats away at copper but will not effect the copper protected by the marker! Leave it in for 20-30 min and the take out with plyers. You should be able to see when all the copper is off the area's on the board. When you are satisfied with the results. remove from chloride dip.
Step 6: Rinsing and Cleaning
Rinse off under cold water then clean off access marker spots with rubbing alcohol and an abraisive pad. You will see all the copper under the marker stayed on and the rest off the PCB was eaten away by the chloride.
Step 7: The Finished Product
Check over to see if all the coections are adiquite to your standards or if you missed anything. You should be pleased with the results if you followed these procedures properly. From blank PCB to your own design.....easy right! Then all you have to do next is drill the holes in sequence with your pattern...Happy instructables everyone!