Introduction: Desk Organizer and a Box

Press fit technique is very useful, you may be able to make tow or more object using the same parts by assembling the parts within different ways. Also, this technique makes it very easier to transfer this objects. In the past, it was very hard to transfer anything, but now you just need to untwine your object and it's very easy it would take a smaller place to store it and package it.

This new technique makes life easier.

Technology is a weapon with to edges it can be very useful and serve humanity or it would be distractive, kinds of useful technology are the CAD.

CAD is mainly used for defining the objects in 3D or 2D models, there are many kinds of applications on this:

  1. Laser cutting.
  2. 3D printing.
  3. Computer Aided Machining.

In this instructable, we are going to use Laser cutting machines and using Solidworks software as it is very easy to use.

About the project:

The idea cam to me from a desk organizer I saw on IKEA,I decided to make it like a desk organizer when I assembly the part in way one and if I assemply the same parts within another way it transform to a box.

In the steps we're going to learn this:

  1. How to draw our module on a paper.
  2. How to design our parts on the SolidWork.
  3. Preview on the design after assembly.
  4. Using lesar Cutting to cut the parts.
  5. How to make funny things.
  6. Final project.

Step 1: Step1: Prepare Your Design

It is very important to prepare your design and make a simple design on

paper in 3D or 2D and the then divide your design into parts you can it by the laser cutting.

This step makes it easy to draw your parts on the software and enables you to make your project in the real life not only imaginary.

Preparing the assembly enables you do discover the issues you will be faced during your cutting or drawing the part on the software.

Set your object dimentions and start drawing.

Step 2: Step2: Drawing Your Design

After making a prototype of your module in paper know it's time to design it on a software.

This step very important for two reasons:

  1. You make the design on the software as the Laser Cutting machine can't define your hand drawing and it won't be accurate like the software too.
  2. The second reason this makes the drawing much easier and some software enable you to assembly your part to figure if the parts are mated or not, if the parts aren't mated, you should redraw your parts or edit them to make them mates and to get a quick preview without any cost.

In this instructable, I mentioned that we will use SolidWorks as a software because you can draw in both 2D and 3D and after that, you may assemble your parts.

This is a tutorial on youtube shows how to use SolidWorks:

Step 3: Step3: Assembly

After drawing your parts on the SolidWorks you may assemble your parts to take a quick preview on it.

This step shows you if there were any defaults in your drawing and you should take care of that to avoid any extra coast.

I had assembly the same parts into two objects and also I can store this parts in a small place and if I want to take it with me when I am travelling or to my office, it would not be a problem it is easy to carry.

The press fit kits technique made our life funnier as you can assemble this desk organiser or the box with your children, it is like a Meccano game easy and fun.

Step 4: Step4: Cutting the Design

If we want to cut wood, in the past we used to use saws to cut the wood.

Nowadays, there is machine use laser power to cut any several kinds of materials.

Therefore, I used the Laser Cutting machine to make it easier and make my designs in less time.

I made a prototype see if the parts will join perfectly together or not.

Then, when I found the best way I started editing my designs and then cut them.

Step 5: Step5: How to Make Funny Things

After cutting your design you will find that there is nice pieces try to make funny things or collect them it will be funny to do that.

Make learning new things funny as you can, you will never forgot what you learned.

Step 6: