Introduction: Destiny 2 Engram Light

In this tutorial, I will show you how to create a paper engram with translucent paper so the lights can shine through.

You will need:

Arduino Leonardo board(Or any compatible boards).


wires for the Arduino board

Yellow LED lights

Button for Arduino

35 sticks for the structure

translucent paper or just any paper for the outside of the engram.

Let's get started shall we.

Step 1: Connect the Button

You will want to connect a button onto your Arduino, so you can press the button to light up the Engram.

1. Put the button onto the breadboard.

2. Connect a wire from 5V to Positive

3. Connect GND to negative.

4. Connect a resistor to one wire of the button.

5. Connect a wire from 1 end without the button wire to the Negative

6. Connect the other end with a button wire to Digital pin 2

7. Connect a wire from the other side of the button to Positive.

Step 2: Connect the LED Lights

1. Connect an LED onto the Breadboard.

2. Connect a resistor to one end of the LED light.

3.Connect a wire from the other end of the resistor to the negative charge.

4. Connect a wire from the other end of the LED to a Digital Pin (In my example, the LED is connected to PIN 13)

5. Repeat this action by how many LED lights you need.

Step 3: Create the Structure of the Engram

1. Find 35 sticks of the same length, in my case I am using chopsticks.

2. Use tape to stick the sticks together.

3. Use a glue gun or any other way to stick the sticks together better.

4. create a ball like shape with pentagons.

Step 4: Create the Outside of the Engram

Find a large enough box to hold the Arduino board while also haveing a hole so the lights and button can go though.

Step 5: Code

Link to the code:

the code itself:

void setup(){ // put your setup code here, to run once:
pinMode( 2 , INPUT); // this pin is for the button pressing down pinMode( 13 , OUTPUT); // for led light number one pinMode( 12 , OUTPUT); // for led light number two pinMode( 11 , OUTPUT); // for led light number three }

void loop(){ // put your main code here, to run repeatedly: if (digitalRead( 2 )) { digitalWrite( 13 , HIGH ); // for led light number one to shine digitalWrite( 12 , HIGH ); // for led light number two to shine digitalWrite( 11 , HIGH ); // for led light number three to shine delay( 3000 ); // waits a few milliseconds digitalWrite( 13 , LOW ); // for led light number one to stop shining digitalWrite( 12 , LOW ); // for led light number two to stop shining digitalWrite( 11 , LOW ); // for led light number three to stop shining } }

Step 6: Finish the Engram

Press the button on the top of the Engram to activate the lights and the Engram will be finished.