Introduction: Development of Applications Using GPIO Pins on the DragonBoard 410c With Android and Linux Operating Systems

About: Frederico Martins Pedroso Junior - Embedded Software Engineer.

The purpose of this tutorial is to show information needed to develop applications using the GPIO pin on DragonBoard 410c low-speed expansion.

This tutorial presents information for developing applications using the GPIO pins with SYS on the Android and Debian operating systems.


This link contains helpful information about low-speed expansion on the DragonBoard 410c.

Step 1: Mapping Pins to the Operating System

  • For each operating system there is a specific mapping for the low speed expansion pins;
  • The pin mapping for each operating system is found in the 96boards documentation for DragonBoard 410c.

Step 2: Led on DragonBoard 410c

Considering the Led plugged into pin 23.

Step 3: Mapping Pins - Android

On Android, Pin 23 is the GPIO938.

Step 4: Accessing GPIO Via SYS on Android

Access the /sys/class/gpio directory:

cd /sys/class/gpio

Considering the Led on pin 23:

# echo 938 > export

# cd gpio938

Enabling Led as Output:

# echo "out" > direction

Turning on / off the Led:

# echo "1" > value

# echo "0" > value

Step 5: Mapping Pins - Debian GNU/Linux

On Debian GNU/Linux, Pin 23 is the GPIO36.

Step 6: Accessing GPIO Via SYS on Debian GNU/Linux

Access the /sys/class/gpio directory:

cd /sys/class/gpio

Considering the Led on pin 23:

# echo 36 > export 

# cd gpio36

Enabling Led as Output:

# echo "out" > direction

Turning on / off the Led:

# echo "1" > value 

# echo "0" > value