Introduction: Dice Larger Than Normal Dice

About: Now I am a housewife. Having two kids. Supporting them in exploring their creative horizon. I did worked as software engineer. Presently following my passion in Kathak Dance.

Smallest size in 6 sided dice game is 5 mm.

We decided to make bigger size dice. Size of our dice is 20 times larger than smallest size dice. Our larger size dice is 100 x 100 x 100 mm in size.

Material used is wood.

We visited saw mill & collected a wooded block, cut it to required size to get a cube. Then finished all edges as well as surfaces.

Colored all sides & painted dice dots. Our bigger sized dice is ready.


  1. Wooden block
  2. Paints & brush
  3. Polish paper or file.
  4. Hack Saw
  5. Pencil etc.

Step 1: Cut Wooden Block

Take bigger sized wooden block. Cut it to make cube. In our case we made a cube of 100 mm size. That is 20 times bigger than smaller (5mm) sized cube.

Step 2: Raw Cube

Raw cube is ready with size 100 x 100 x 100 mm

Step 3: Finish Cube Edges & Sides

Finish all edges & surfaces of the cube.

Step 4: Color

Step 5: Side Views of Colored Dice

Step 6: Paint Circles on Six Sides

Step 7: Large Size Dice Is Ready

Large size dice is ready.

Big and Small Contest

Participated in the
Big and Small Contest