Introduction: Digi-dice

Create these cool digital dice!


3D printer and filament

Tinkercad app

Step 1:

Using the completed die as a template, we will make a 22mm cube. As the opposite sides on dice always add up to 7, we will work with one opposing pair at a time.

Drag a TEXT element from the menu to the work surface. Change the text to "3" and select MULTILANGUAGE font. Set the height to 11mm.

Do the same thing for the number "4".

Step 2:

Rotate the elements into their proper orientations. The 4 will be facing down and turned upside-down along the flat axis. The 3 can remain as it is.

Step 3:

Drag the 3 over the 4, and use the triangle handle on top to raise it 11mm. This will make the back sides of each element flush.

Step 4:

Align the elements along the flat axes, but not top-to-bottom. (That would squish them together.)

Select both items and Group into one unit.

Step 5:

Do the same with the 2 and the 5. But now rotate them into a standing up and opposite-facing orientations. Also make sure that one of the elements is upside-down in relation to the other.

Place them flush back-to-back and align. This time the alignment will be along the z-axis (up/down) and centered along one of the flat axes.

Select both items and Group into a single unit.

Step 6:

Do the same with the 6 and the 1. Since there are only six faces on a die, there is no concern about the 6 being mistaken for a 9 here.These two will be lying on their sides.

Rotate to opposing orientations, make them flush back-to back, and align as shown.

Select both elements and Group into a single unit.

Each unit (group of two numbers) should have a total width along the center axis (through both of them) of 22mm.

Step 7:

Move together all three pairs into a general overlap, noting the orientations of the numbers and adjusting if necessary.

Select the entire group, and set the alignment to the center of all three axes.

Step 8:

Select the entire collage and Group into a single unit.

Step 9:

Print as many as you need! It may take some experimentation with your printer to find the proper settings and which number works best when printed as the bottom face. It also works well to print with "Support Everywhere" and break out the extraneous pieces.

They may not be Vegas-ready, but are random enough for general use! Good luck!

Step 10: Instructable Video

Toys and Games Contest

Participated in the
Toys and Games Contest