Introduction: Dim a LED With Raspberry Pi 3 and Python
Hi ! I am going to show you how to dim a LED with Raspberry Pi.
Difficulty : EASY/BEGINNER.
Stay tuned for the next instructables!
Step 1: What Do We Need?
Hi ! I am going to show you how to dim a LED with Raspberry Pi.
Difficulty : EASY/BEGINNER.
First. You will need :
- Raspberry Pi
- 2 pcs Male/Female Connectors
- 1 pcs of a minimum of 100 OmH resistor.
- 1 pcs LED
- 1 pcs breadboard.
Step 2: Connect All Parts Together and Let's Have FUN.
Step 3: Write the Python Code.
To connect the LED with the Raspberry PI and to make it dim we need to write the software code.For this I used Python language.
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO import time GPIO.setwarnings(False) GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) GPIO.setup(7,GPIO.OUT) def dim() red_led = GPIO.PWM(7,100) red_led.start(0) pause_time = 0.010 for i in range(0,100+1): red_led.ChangeDutyCycle(i) time.sleep(pause_time) for i in range(100,-1,-1): red_led.ChangeDutyCycle(i) time.sleep(pause_time) GPIO.cleanup() dim()<br>