Introduction: District 9 Themed Costume

About: I enjoy building things and being creative.
I made this costume for last Halloween; I searched around and looked for movie themed costumes that could be created in under a week. I figured this one would best suit me, and it was a huge success at the party I went to! Most of the materials were either salvaged or scraps from old projects.

Credit where credit is due! These instructables gave me inspiration
also listed below are the photos I found that helped me design my weapon, ID and hand.


Step 1: Material Lists

Prawn hand
Thick foam (scavenged from shipping material in my Xbox shipping box)
Black, grey and red acrylic paints
Plasti-dip (black)
white cotton cloth
contact cement
whacky tack glue
clear coat spray
needle and thread or an old glove
house hold silicon filler

hot knife
xacto knife

Alien rifle

3"x1' abs pipe
3"x3' poplar wood
misc. scrap wood
1/4" aluminum tubing
scrap aluminum strip
5 hour energy bottle
EL wire kit (white and orange)
foam core board
misc parts from a broken massager
pearl white sprat paint
orange, black and gray acrylic paint
contact cement
wood glue
2 part epoxy

drill press
band saw
sand paper
xacto knife

ID badge

Drawing program
necklace badge holder


Step 2: The Prawn Hand: Step One

Start off with either an old glove or sew one up out of an old shirt. Next gather the foam and cut the pieces out with a hot knife, similar to the sketch up photo below. The cuts do not need to be pretty, infact the uglier the better.

Take the contact cement and glue the prawn fingers together adding support to the middle one as needed.

Take some of the extra pieces and glue them on the fingers to add knuckle creases and veins.

Put the glove on your hand, get the foam pieces in place and glue the white cotton cloth to the glove and foam. As shown in the photos. Do this until it is thick and feels sturdy.

Step 3: Prawn Hand: Step Two

Use the silicon to fill in any flat area and to add texture (I used some kind of bath tub sealer)

glue Para cord to the top of the hand to add veins.

Paint on multiple coats of plasti-dip until the glove is coated sufficiently.

With acrylic paint, fill in any areas with the black paint, ad relief and effects with red and grey paint.

Use some of that white cloth and red paint to make a bloody bandage

Step 4: Prawn Hand: Finish

Spray with clear coat to acheive that slimy look

touch up as needed.

congrats your done! (with the hand)

Step 5: Alien Rifle: Step One

After you have settled on your design, mock it up with card board to get a good template and proper sizing.

Trace this on to your wood and cut it out with a bad saw.

Glue your rifle together, allowing an over night dry.

Add any decorations and embellishments. (Mini bottle, foam core board and aluminum parts)

Step 6: Alien Rifle: Finish

Use a good primer and apply a few coats to the rifle.

Paint the rifle with a while gloss spray paint

use black, grey and orange acrylic paints to add detail and effects

apply a few clear coats to protect the detail paint.

Add the elwire; some parts might need to be glued down, use contact cement.

The rifle should now be complete! 

Step 7: The ID Badge

I used AutoCAD to make this badge, from what I found online and on the movie, this was the best I could do.

I don’t think much needs to be explained here. Ask in the comments if you need any help!

Step 8: Putting It All Together

Complete the costume with a dirty and torn button up shirt, black slacks, dress shoes, messy hair, 5 o'clock shadow and blue blood (of which i could not find in time)

hope you enjoy!