Introduction: Divot Tool

About: Canadian Craftsman

In this Instructable I will show you how to build a single prong divot tool.

A divot tool is a small, handheld device designed to repair divots or ball marks on a golf green. A divot occurs when a golf ball lands on the green with enough force to create an indentation or when turf is displaced during a shot. Repairing these marks is essential to maintain the smoothness and playability of the green.

Features of a Divot Tool:

  1. Shape: Usually forked, with two or three prongs. One prong as well.
  2. Material: Commonly made of metal or durable plastic.
  3. Compact Design: Fits easily in a pocket or attached to a golf bag.
  4. Additional Features: Some divot tools include ball markers, bottle openers, or clips.

How to Use a Divot Tool:

  1. Insert the prongs around the edges of the divot, not directly into the indentation.
  2. Gently push the surrounding turf toward the center of the mark.
  3. Avoid prying or lifting, as this can damage the grass roots.
  4. Smooth the surface with a putter or foot.

Proper use of a divot tool helps keep greens in good condition and demonstrates good golfing etiquette.



Drill Press

Cordless Drill

Center Punch

Belt Sander

Band Saw




SS Machine bolt with two SS nuts

Stabilized Hardwood

2-part Epoxy

Boiled Linseed Oil

Wood Wax

Sand Paper - 400/600/800/1200/1500 grit

Polishing Compound

Lead-free Silver Solder


Step 1: Round the Nuts

Thread the two nuts onto the bolt. In this case the machine bolt has the top cut off (this was a scrap bolt I had from another project - cut off the top of the bolt with a bandsaw).

Place into drill.

Round the nuts with a belt sander (simple lathe). See video for a better visual.

Step 2: Create the Prong Portion

Place bolt into drill.

Reduce the diameter with a belt sander (simple lathe). See video for a better visual. The reduced diameter will be the prong portion of the divot tool.

Step 3: Create the Wood Portion

Center punch hole location.

Place stabilized wood into vice.

Drill hole into wood. Hole size is the same as the bolt diameter.

Cut to proper size with a band saw.

Remove excess wood with a belt sander.

Reduce the diameter of the wood with a belt sander (simple lathe). See video for a better visual.

Step 4: Create Stepped Portion for Bottom Nut

Place bolt into drill.

Reduce the diameter with a belt sander (simple lathe). See video for a better visual. The reduced diameter is to allow the bottom nut to slide onto the bolt.

Step 5: Assemble

Place bolt into the vice.

Thread on the cap nut.

Add flux to the top.

Place solder onto top portion.

Evenly heat the top portion and melt the solder. This will create a strong mechanical bond.

Grind excess silver solder with a belt sander.

Epoxy wood into place.

Place second bolt into place and solder.

Step 6: Final Sanding and Polishing

Place assembled divot tool into the drill.

Sand and buff the wood. 400/600/800/1200/1500/ polishing compound


Please reference the video for even more clarity.

Thanks for following along!