Introduction: Diy Lab Power Supply

About: arduino base projects, electronic project and info,

this is lab bench power supply

i use atx power supply as main componet

Step 1: Component You Need

  • atx power supply(i use 450w)
  • banana connectors
  • switch
  • leds
  • wires(use thickness as per current requirement)
  • wood
  • and some basic componet

Step 2: Make Wood Box

make wood box and connect screws cable clamp

Step 3: Connect Atx Power Supply

put atx power supply in wood box and connect wire to screws cable clamp

the wire connect according to pin map

Step 4: Diagram of Power Supply

connect all think together as per diagram

and connect all think together on front panel

Step 5: Make Variable Output

  • now make variable output for variable output i use dc-dc converter with variable voltage and current limit .
  • it can output 1.3v to 27v and 3A max
  • connect all componet as per diagram

dc- dc converter

Step 6: Done