Introduction: Diy Star Wars Penstand
I am a STAR WARS fan (Just like the whole world is!!).But I like to show off my affection towards Star Wars in some cool ways. I am going to tell you about one of those cool ways in this instructable. This is easy & cheap stuff. So why wait? Let's move!
Step 1: Materials Needed
1. An empty plastic container (I have used a Play-Doh container which is about 7cm tall and has a diameter of around 7cm).
2. Coloured Tape (I have used electric tape).
3.A Printer ( You can use a printer in order to print the star wars 'add-ons' or stickers. But, if you have got readymade stickers, that's fine. So, a printer is not necessary. You can even take a different theme like 'Avengers' and what not...).
4. Double Sided Tape
Step 2: Applying Tape
Ok. So now we are going to apply some tape to the can. Take any colour you like and apply that tape to the can throughout the ring or circumference. Then change the colour. Then again take the colour you took before. So, cover the can with alternate layers of tape so that it looks good (At least respectable!).
Step 3: Decorate
In this step, we are gonna make the pen stand look cool.Really cool. So, the section 'A' below is for those who are going use a printer. And section 'B' for those who are not gonna use a printer.
- Section A -
I have provided a file of the decoration add-ons below. Print the file, cut those star wars add-ons individually, and stick them on your container using double-sided tape as shown in the image.
- Section B -
This step is for the ones who will not use a printer and instead will use ready made stickers as add-ons. So, cut the stickers or whatever you have got, and stick it with double-sided tape to the container as shown in the image.
Step 4: Finished!
Believe it or not! We have just made a cool thing!
Step 5: Optional(Your Choice..)
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