Introduction: Doctor Who Christmas Tree

About: Amateur Tinkerer, Amateur Radio Operator (KF7BBI)
I'm a Whovian. I love Christmas. It seemed like a brilliant idea when my lovely wife mentioned that we had an extra Christmas tree for display in the family room and that I ought to make a Doctor Who Christmas tree. So I did.

Step 1: Cubee Doctor Who Figures

I found some Cubee paper craft Doctor Who figures by Cyber Drone on (

I downloaded versions of the 11 available Incarnations of the Doctor as well as some companions and some enemies. The Cubees are pretty self explanatory but I decided to make them a bit sturdier by gluing the tabs on the seams together.

I also added a loop of fishing line to use as a hanger for each ornament.

Step 2: Add Lights and a Topper (optional)

I was fortunately the recipient of a 50th anniversary TARDIS night light as a white elephant gift at my office Christmas party. I rigged it up with a short length of 1/2 inch PVC pipe, a 3M command strip and a zip tie to slip over the top bit of the tree.