Introduction: Dog Feeding Reminder

If you also have a dog in your house, you might need this machine for reminding you to feed your dog or using it to remind you that when do you need to walk your dog. This machine is very small that it's easy for everyone to carry it, and it's very easy to control it. All you have to do if you want to use the machine is press a pushbutton right after you feed your dog or walk your dog.


  • Plastic board (about 50cm x 50cm)
  • Utility knife
  • Glue gun
  • scissor
  • Arduino Leonardo
  • Push-button
  • speaker

Step 1: The Circuit

Here's the Circuit!

Step 2: The Code

Step 3: The Case

The next step is to cut down 6 pieces of plastic boards, the sizes of the boards are bellow:

  • 10cm*5cm (2 pieces)
  • 10*4cm (2 pieces)
  • 5cm*4cm (2 pieces)

Step 4: Continue With Making the Case

First, use a pencil to draw down the shape of the button and speaker that you want to cut on a 10cm*4cm plastic board. Then, Cut down the two holes. Finally, you can put the button and the speaker into the case.

Step 5: Let's Try!