Introduction: Dog Phone Stand!!

This is an easy, fun craft to do with clay!


➜ Clay ( Any color/ you could mix two types of clays too, your choice!) I used purple clay since I had purple clay in my house.

➜ Something to leave impressions on the clay.. I used a puzzle piece and a comb. Find something that makes circle impressions.

➜ That's all the supplies!

Step 1: Rolling the Dough

➜ Roll your dough into a snake-like shape like shown in the photo.

➜ In the top of the clay figure, roll that into a head-like shape.

Step 2: Making the Dog Shape Head

➜ Use your circle impression thing and put 2 circles (like eyes) on the head.

➜ Try to make the head look like a dog

➜ Please watch the video if confused.

➜ Take 2 small pieces of clay and stick them on the top of the dog as "dog ears".. look at the photo

➜ Finally, move the clay up to form a little stand, like shown in the picture

Step 3: Adding the Final Touches

➜ Take your impression maker thing and do it around the whole stand... I used a comb and used the bristles to make the impressions around the whole piece.

➜ Wait for the clay to harden and you are done, if you want you could put it in the oven too!

Thanks! Hope you like it!

Sculpt & Carve Challenge

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Sculpt & Carve Challenge