Introduction: Dog-food-bag Wallet
I always make my wallets from crisp-bags, but they wear out in 3 months. Now my dog changed to a new type of dog-food and the bag it came in, looks like the perfect material to make a better wallet out of.
I used a laser-cutter, because, well, I am a laser-cutter addict, but scissors will work fine.
The dimensions are for a stack of 20 credit cards and Euro-bills.
Step 1: You Will Need
- Empty dog-food-bag
- Scissors (or laser cutter)
- Sewing machine
Step 2: The Design
I designed the wallet a lot like the chips-bag wallet, because that design is working for me. I made the whole wallet from one piece.
Both the original Gravit-Design and the PDF-file are included.
Step 3: Cut the Design
Cut a flat piece from the dog-food-bag and cut the pattern on the lasercutter. (or print the pattern on paper and cut it from the bag with a knife or scissors)
Step 4: Sow the Tug-ins
Sew the two pieces that will be tug in the wallet with a simple straight stitch, close to the edge.
Step 5: Sow the Sides
I used a fancy stitch for the sides and a straight one over the dotted line at the bottom.
Step 6: Sow the Rest
Finish it off bij stitching between the credit card compartment and the bills. Just for show, I also stitched the dotted lines on the flap over the credit cards.
Step 7: Add Money
Now just fill your wallet with money and plastic, roll it up and put it in your pocket.
Step 8: Finished
Enjoy your new, cool, recycled wallet.