Introduction: Dominant Catapults!
Running out of ideas?! Tired of egging your friends house and getting in trouble!! BUILD A CATATPULT!!!!! egg from a distance, saves energy and is a good time. Just a couple of easy steps you will be egging in no time ! We did this because it was project in physics class.
Step 1: Tools and Supplies
Make sure you have the proper tools and supplies in order to make your catapult. you will need wood, screws, drill, metal bar, springs, bracings, gatorade cap, wood cutter of sum sort, and paint if you would like to make it the color of your desire
Step 2: Combine
In step 3 you will cut oak wood into four parts. depending on how small or large you want your catapult to be. Our base was 57 cm by 60cm add wood bout the same length as the width for weight in the front as well as two long beams 122cm by 9cm by 5cm under the base for more weight. Cut three wood pieces into 57cm 8cm 5cm place them in the middle on opposite sides of each other they should be going vertical. But leave one alone its going to be the arm of your catapult.
Step 3: Drill
Drill three holes in the pieces you just cut make sure there all alighned up to each other. we used 1/4 in. Also drill 2 1/8in holes on the inside of the base and 2 1/8in holes on diferent sides of the arm. The piece wit the hole in it alighned it with the holes than place the metal bar in the holes.Then put another wood piece bout the same size on top that will be the stopper to keep the arm from smashing allthe way down. In the rest of the holes put in metel hooks. Your almost done the hardest part, was putting the spring on both hooks.
Step 4: End Product
This is what your end product should look like. pretty nice if i do say so myself.
Step 5: Minor Adjustments
Go out and test fire your catapult a couple of times. our arm broke through the stop two times before we got the idea of screwing the metal brace on top.
Step 6: Firing Squad!
our catapult was the best in the class it launched a golf ball 46.9m and its arm accleration veloctiy was at 308m/s