Introduction: Dominoes

About: Student at Washington Lee High School

This is a guide to making a wooden domino set from scratch.

Step 1: Gather Materials

- Plank of Wood 3.5 Inches wide, 16 inches long and 1.5 inches tall

- Band Saw (or manual saw)

- Sanding Belt (or sand paper)

- Drill Press with (1/8 drill bit)

-Black Painting Marker or black Pant

Step 2: Measuring Each Domino

Take the piece of wood and draw a horizontal line every half inch using a ruler and pencil. Draw 28 lines which should end you up with 28 half inch rectangles.

Step 3: Cutting the Pieces Out

For this next step, put on safety goggles to ensure no pieces of wood get into your eyes. Take the wooden plank with the lines on it and using a saw cut out each piece following the lines previously drawn. Since the piece is small, use a tool to push the plank through the saw to keep fingers a safe distance away.

By the end of this step you should now have 28 smaller, identical rectangular blocks.

Step 4: Drawing and Cutting Out Center Line

Take each block and draw the shorter line across the middle of the block. Using a machine saw or manual saw cut into the line just barely. Do this with all 28 blocks.

Step 5: Sanding Each Block's Sides

Using sand paper or a sanding machine, sand each side of the block to make it smooth and to prevent players from getting splinters as seen in the pictures. Do this to all 28 blocks.

Step 6: Sanding Each Block's Edges

Using a sand machine or sand paper, sand the longer edges to give it a rounded feel. If using a sand machine be careful with getting fingers caught and roll up any long sleeves to make sure it doesn't get caught as well. Do this with all 28 blocks.

Step 7: Drilling Holes Into Dominoes

Using a 1/8 drill bit on a drill machine or manually, lightly penetrate the surface to make a con-caved dot on desired spots. Follow the dot positions on the diagram provided. Make one domino for each in the picture.

Step 8: Painting Dots

Take the paint marker and place it perpendicular to the block into the con-caved holes. Then twist the marker to fill in the entire dot. If using regular paint fill in dots in a dotting motion.

Step 9:

You should now have a full set of 28 dominoes. Have fun and play!