Introduction: Double Sensor Graphs With Processing
Usually Processing is used to display single sensor values as graph
However, It is also possible to display two or even multiple sensor values as graphs
Step 1: Things Needed
These are the thing you will need
1. PC
2. Arduino Uno
3. USB A to B cable for connecting arduino to your PC
4. Processing
5. Breadboard
6. Two 47K ohm resistors
7. Two Flex sensors(You could use any sensor you want)
8. Connecting wires
Step 2: Circuit Connection
Two Flex sensors are connected as a voltage Divider circuit
Bend the flex sensor to increase the resistance
Step 3: Arduino Uno Code
What we are going to do in the code
1. Get the sensor value of first sensor
2. Get the sensor value of second sensor
3. Both the sensor values are to be separated by dot
4. Send it as a single value
5. Introduce a new line character /n
6. Introduce Delay
7. Repeat the code
Step 4: Processing Code
The details of the code are given in the comments
1. Create a rectangular screen
2. Create two rectangles on this screen
3. Split the sensor values using dot as delimiter
4. Map the values to the corresponding rectangle
Step 5: Displaying the Graph
1. Press the Run button in processing
2. A window will appear
3. Bend the sensors for variation in graph values