Introduction: Double Sliding Pantry Doors

About: I am a father, husband, craftsman, artist, woodworker, furniture maker/designer, and overall DIY'er. Most of my projects involve making unique furniture incorporating many different designs, materials, and ele…

Today, I'll be showing you how I built double sliding pantry barn doors. These sliding doors were made with black walnut wood with a simple farmhouse design and installed with sliding door hardware.

Even if you don't need double sliding doors like these, the techniques covered in this instructable can be directly translated toward other woodworking projects.

There are several things which are difficult to fully explain with words and images, so be sure to check out the video tutorial above.


Step 1: Measure Opening to Get Size

First, measure the door height. This will be the same for single, double, or bypass doors.

For openings with molding, measure from the top of the molding to the floor, then subtract 1/2 inch.

For openings without molding, measure from the top of the door opening to the floor and subtract 1/2 inch.

The ½” provides the door enough space to open. It also takes into consideration for floor height differences. If you have uneven floors, subtract 3/4" to make certain the door fits properly. Keep in mind, don't subtract more than 3/4" as this creates a unattractive gap.

Step 2: Mill Wood

First, I used 3 pieces of 1" thick walnut wood. Keep in mind, feel free to use any type of wood for barn doors. I used black walnut to match a dining room table. 

I lined up my track saw about 1" from the edge and made a cut to get one straight side.

Next, I referenced the straight line I just cut, measured the final width of the board, and made another cut.

Please note, I purchased these boards as S3S (Surface 3 Sides) lumber. Essentially, this means the wood was planed on both surfaces and one side was straightened.

However, I like to make certain each board has straight sides.

Step 3: Mark Joints

I used my festool domino DF 500 to join the DIY double sliding barn doors. Additionally, I recommend using dowels as an alternative joinery method. Both methods align the boards.

First, I placed the boards next to each other and loosely clamped each end to hold them together.

Next, I used my tape measure and combination square to mark a straight line every 12". Also, I put diagonal line next to each join in order to know which of the 4 boards would have dominos on each side.

Quick Tip: I always place a domino, biscuit or dowel 3" from each end.

Step 4: Cut Mortoise

I lined up my domino with the lines and cut the mortise. Furthermore, the same process applies to a biscuit joiner and dowel jig.

Step 5: Glue and Clamp

Before I spread glue, I placed each board next to one another as I did in a previous step when I made the marks.

First, I liberally spread glue on each edge.

Next, I inserted the dominos and used my glue spreader to wipe glue on them.

Then, I joined the first two boards by pushing them together and I made certain they were snug.

Once I glued each door, I clamped them together and let the glue dry for roughly 4 hours.

Next, I removed the clamps and used my glue scraper to remove any excess glue. 

If you applied glue and clamped properly, you should have a small amount of excess which squeezed out.

Quick Tip

To make edge joining panels for this DIY double sliding barn doors, I join 2 boards at a time. Since each DIY barn door has 4 boards, I join each of the 2 outer boards. Then, I join each pair to each other. Ultimately, I find this process helps ensure the panels remain flat.

Step 6: Scrape Excess Glue

After the glue dries, scrape off the excess if needed.

Step 7: Sand Wood

Love the process or loathe the process, sanding is vitally important to woodworking project.

Step 8: Build Outer Boards

To make the flat wood panels look like barn doors, I used an 'H' design pattern. 

Essentially, this design consists of smaller boards around the perimeter and one perpendicular board in the middle.

I verified my measurements on each panel and cut the boards to size.

Step 9: Attach Stile and Rail

Next, I liberally spread glue on each board and put them in place.

Then, I used my speed square to keep the vertical and perpendicular boards square.

While holding the square in place, I clamped each board in place.

I used my brad nailer with 1" brad nails (2 per board) from the underside of the DIY barn doors to hold everything in place while the glue dried.

Furthermore, the underside of the double sliding barn doors will not be visible which is the reason I drove the brad nails from the underside of the barn doors.

Step 10: Apply Finish

I used rubio monocoat oil plus 2c finish on these double doors to match the kitchen dining table.

Step 11: Hang Doors

After the rubio monocoat finish dried, I installed the hardware for the DIY double sliding barn doors.

I forgot to mention earlier in the article that I cut a 84" x 4" piece of walnut to hold the rail. This isn't necessary, but it does add to the overall look.

I used this sliding barn door hardware kit. The kit comes in different sizes - I chose the 6.6' kit.

I used 2 kits because a single kit contains the hardware for 1 door (2 rollers and 1 rail).

Step 12: Install Magnets and Bumpers

After I completed the installation of the barn door hardware kit, I decided to use these neodymium magnets to keep the barn doors closed.

I used my drill and a 1.5" forstner bit to recess the magnets in each door. These magnets are super strong.

Additionally, I used clear cabinet bumpers to prevent the barn doors from slamming together. 

Step 13: Install Floor Guide

For the last piece of barn door hardware, I installed a barn door floor guide to prevent the barn doors from swinging out.

Step 14: Conclusion

I hope this instructable provided you with value. Please feel free to leave a comment if you have any questions - I'm happy to help.

Be sure to checkout my YouTube channel and my website for more DIY tutorials.