Introduction: Double the Range of Most RBGs!

About: I'm an inactive K'nexer, I used to be one of the most active ones, but I have a lot of other things to do. I try to post a new instructables every few months, but sometimes it takes a while for me to think of …
This is a very simple trick I thought of, that will increase the range significantly!

Step 1: Supplies

You must gather the supplies for the ammunition of the high powered RBG.
These generally come in any knex set, so just look around.
You need 2 elastics
You need 2 grey connectors
You need 1 white rod

Did I mention this is not my first instructable, so be nice!


Step 2: 2 Is Better Than One!

Now you must tie the rubber bands together, and this might be hard for some unknown reason.

1: What you are making
2: Loop one through the other
3: Slide it through itself
4:Pull a bit

This may be difficult for people with no hands.

Step 3: Slide Slide Slide!

Now you must slide the grey connectors onto the elastics.

Come on, what more is there to add?

Step 4: Finishing the Construction

The hardest part.
You must slide the elastic onto the rod, then clip one grey on.
Now slowly, slide the other one on, straighten it out and clip the other one on, done!

Step 5: Loading and Firing

Okay, you took the time to build this you better! And now you think, AHH! HOW DO I LOAD IT????

Well im nice. I am going to tell you.

Put the front on normally, then pull the greys back.

Separate them, then just put them on.


As I said this is not! my first instructable, so be nice!