Introduction: Dragon Eggs Keyholder
To create these dragon eggs you will need:
-A nut.
-A nut-opener.
-A little ring.
-A rotary tool.
-Nail polish. (Or whatever paint you like)
-A make up sponge.
-A keyholder chain (Optional).
Step 1: Grab a Nut.
Step 2: Open It.
I´m using a piece of metal witch I introduced to the bottom of the nut and then I twisted it. This way is easier to open the nut in two clean pieces.
Step 3: Empty the Fruit.
Step 4: Make the Holes.
With your rotary tool make two little holes on the upper part of the nut.
Step 5: Put the Ring on the Holes.
Step 6: Glue Both Parts.
And let then dry.
Step 7: Make the Scales.
For the scales you have to catch little piece of clay and roll them into your fingers to create a rounded shape. Make plenty of them.
Step 8: Add the Scales.
Press a little bit on each scale.
Step 9: Continue Until You Reach All the Surface.
Step 10: Time to Paint!
Here Im using nail polish, but you can use other type of paintings. Grab your paint and put a bit in the sponge, then tap it around all the scales of the egg. Repeat this procces until you think its ready, then with a darker color tap it around the edges to give them a bit of live.
For my three eggs Im using gold with brown, red with purple and green with a darker green.
Step 11: Thats It!
Put your key holder and its done! Or if you like you can use them for a necklace or just for decorating.