Introduction: Drawing Skyrim Logo on a Wall

This picture shows what your wall will look like after the massive labor you are about to do.

So lets get started...

Step 1: Stuff You Will Need

Ok, so the stuff you need is probably already in your house and it goes as follows :

1. A blank piece of paper a bit bigger than your drawing (try not to take something like A0, you don't need as much).

2. A random piece of cardboard

3. An X-ACTO knife or something similar (scissors are a pain, and kitchen knifes are no good here)

4. Graphite pencil

5. Black marker, medium size, and a smaller point marker for details.

6. Electrical tape to isolate yourself from the world for 3 hours and to stick that paper on the wall

Step 2: Trace the Image on That Paper

If you can, go ahead and draw it by hand.

Me not being so artsy had to do it this way :

1. Find the image you want to trace on google

2. Place that blank paper on your PC/Laptop monitor

3. Trace the logo with a graphite pencile

Do try to be gentle when doing step 3, for you don't want to ruin you monitor.

Note: I forgot to take pictures of this step but that one looks close to finished

Step 3: Spend the Next Hour Cutting the Stencil

This is where that cardboard comes in.

Place the paper on top of the cardboard and start cutting out by tracing the lines you drew.

Go slow and with you cutting tool of choice cut out the stencil.

Pro tip: If you tape paper to cardboard its going to be much easier to cut out.

Step 4: Drawing the Outline

This might be the easiest step ever.

Use the electric tape to secure your stencil on the wall. If you skip this gravity will not let you proceed with the plan.

Gently trace it with graphite pen so if you make mistakes there is an option of eraser .

When done tracing... Trace again...

Only this time do it with a marker. I did it with a medium size for bigger lines, and small one for those tricky little details (im not good at this so for me that was every corner).

Step 5: Filling

Prepare to do some coloring and discover that when you were a small child you actually liked this.

Some notes on filling the stencil:

1. Make small goals

2. Open a window

3. Don't be a dweeb and forget to get at least two markers, depending on the size of the image.

Good luck, have fun.