Introduction: Driving (Classic) Mustang - Tinkercad Codeblocks
Tinkercad is a free 3D building software. I've gotten used to the original platform but I was very new to the Tinkercad codeblocks. The codeblocks are interesting because you can see the object you've coded being built while you're navigating around.
In this instructable, I'll be showing you how to create a classic Mustang with a driving animation built into the road. The challenging part was keeping the shape limit below 200. This led to lack of detail but it still looks great.
If you want to check out my Tinkercad project, click the link below.
Before you press play, make sure the speed is set at max so the animation will run smoothly. If it still doesn't, that means the project hasn't fully loaded yet and you'll have to restart it and click play again.
Step 1: Wheel Holes
This step is used to make the wheel holes. Usually, car wheels are closer inside of the body so the wheels don't get damaged and so the car is more sleek.
The car in this step will look like the picture above. (pic. 1)
First, grab the blocks shown in the picture above and create the line of code. Tinkercad's blocks are certain colors which correspond with their section. This makes it a lot easer to replicate. (pic. 2)
Step 2: Car Body Shaping
Right now the body of the car is really square. Most Mustangs are not like this. In this step, you'll create a line of code that shapes the sides, front, and back of the car to make it look more like a Mustang.
The car in this step will look like the picture above. It has a bit more detail. (pic. 1)
First, add the code in the photo to the bottom of your "Wheel Holes" code. This is the code that shapes the side of the body. (pic. 2)
Again, add the code in the photo to the "Wheel Holes" code you made earlier. This shapes the front of the car. (pic. 3)
Add this code in the picture. This code shapes the hood of the car. (pic. 4)
Again, add the code in the picture. This code shapes the back of the car. (pic. 5)
Add the code in the picture. This code adds holes for the headlights. We'll add the headlights in a later step. (pic. 6)
Add the code in the picture. This code adds holes for the side scoops. The side scoops are the the indents on the side of the car. We'll add the color in a later step. (pic. 7)
Step 3: Multicolor
The classic mustangs, and some modern ones, sometimes had a stripe going through the center of the body. In tinkercad, changing a solid colored object into a multi-colored object is really hard. Here's a way that I figured out.
The car in this step will look like the picture above. You can see now it now has a distinct red stripe going through the center. (pic. 1)
Make these two lines of code. This code basically duplicates the car body, uses holes, and another copy of the body to make the red stripe in the middle. (pic. 2)
Step 4: Roof
There seems to be something missing. That's right, the roof, one of the mot important parts of the car. This step you'll be making the roof and the holes for the windows.
The car in this step will look like the picture above. (pic. 1)
First, create this line of code. This is just used to make the holes of the code which will shape the roof. (pic. 2)
Next, add his line of code. This code is used just to make the overall shape of the roof. (pic. 3)
Add this line of code. This code is used to make the holes for the front window and the large side windows. We'll add the actual windows later. (pic. 4)
Finally, add this line of code. This code is used to make the holes for the small side windows and the back window. Again, We'll add the windows later. (pic. 5)
Step 5: Spoiler
In this step you'll be making the spoiler. The spoiler is one of the key elements to aerodynamics and looks of the Mustang.
The car in this step will look like the picture above. (pic. 1)
Make this code in the picture above. (pic. 2)
Step 6: Wheels
Now there is one major problem with this car. . . there's no wheels. Is this step you'll be making them.
The car in this step will look like the picture above. (pic. 1)
First, make the code in the picture above. This makes just one wheel. (pic. 2)
Next, make the code in the picture above. This duplicates the wheel you just made and puts them in the correct spots. (pic. 3)
Step 7: Extra Stuff
This is the step where you make all of the details not previously made. Such as the windows, bumper, exhaust pipes, and the hood scoop.
The car in this step will look like the picture above. (pic. 1)
First, create the line of code in the picture above. This makes the hood scoop which is on the hood of the car. (pic. 2)
Next, make the line of code in the picture above. This makes the long thin bumper on the front of the car. (pic. 3)
Make the line of code in the picture above. This makes the large and small windows. (pic. 4)
Make the line of code in the picture above. This makes the front window, back window, and adds color to the side scoops. (pic. 5)
Finally, make the line of code in the picture above. This makes the headlights and exhaust pipes. (pic. 6)
Step 8: Road
If you want to drive a car, you'll need a road. In this step you'll be making the road and a white rim going around the outside.
The car in this step will look like the picture above. (pic. 1)
First, make this line of code. This creates the outside rim surrounding the road. (pic. 2)
Next, make the code in the picture above. This makes the black asphalt and the grass surrounding it. (pic. 3)
Step 9: Finished Animation
The animation, and illusion, of the car moving is actually pretty simple. The only thing moving is the yellow stripes on the road making it seem like the car is moving. It's not the most realistic thing ever, but again due to the 200 shapes limit, this was the best I could do.
First make the lines of code shown in the picture. The yellow line is actually hidden inside of the white rim you made earlier. Then that one line gets copied and moved over and over again making the moving animation. (pic. 1)
The Finished car and animation should look like the video above.
I loved making this Tinkercad project and I hope you liked it too. Again, here is the link to my finished project and make sure the speed is set to max.