Introduction: Drizzle Castles!
A Drizzle Castle is a castle created by dripping a mixture of sand and water. When the water-sand Mixture drops on more sand, a Sand Droplet is formed. The water sinks into the sand below it and the result is a column of sand! The results can be stunning and can turn many heads at the beach when made correctly! Fun, and easy for kids to do too! Be very careful not to knock over others' drizzle castle, as this is very easy to do!
By the way, this is my first instructable! :D
By the way, this is my first instructable! :D
Step 1: Creating a "Swand Pit"
For lack of a better word, a "Swand" (Pronounced like Sand with a "W") Pit is a hole dug in wet sand to get the "Swand", a mixture of Sand and water, to create a Castle. Get close to the seashore, where there is wet sand, but not so close that the waves collapse the pit or the castle. Dig down about 3 inches (about a finger's length) or until you hit water. keep on digging until you have a good sized pit where you can get a lot of Swand. Don't worry about refilling your pit with sand! It does it by itself! (How Convenient!)
Step 2: Foundation
Ok, randomness out of the way, we must start building the castle foundation.
get a big handful of sand and put a plop of it down on the beach, Near your Swand Pit. Not to close though! We don't want the castle collapsing! Build it up and out. Make it as wide as you want, but don't make it too tall! We still want to make towers!
Ok, randomness out of the way, we must start building the castle foundation.
get a big handful of sand and put a plop of it down on the beach, Near your Swand Pit. Not to close though! We don't want the castle collapsing! Build it up and out. Make it as wide as you want, but don't make it too tall! We still want to make towers!
Step 3: Towers!
Get some really wet Swand and hold it in your hand like you are operating a stick-shift (the kind you see in cars, etc.) you will notice there is some watery, looking substance running through your fingers. This is what makes a tower! Hold it over the area you want to make a tower and watch the Swand work its magic! Slowly move your hand up so the quickly rising tower won't hit your hand! When pure Water starts running out of the Swand in your hand,
(hehe, it rhymed) STOP! Water is the arch nemesis of a Drizzle Castle!
(hehe, it rhymed) STOP! Water is the arch nemesis of a Drizzle Castle!
Step 4: Just Build It Up!
Build Towers Upon towers to create one big tower! You can then build little towers ontop of the Main tower. For advanced Drizzle Castle Makers, water can be used to create tunnels! Just pour water onto a castle to create a hole. Be very careful, as this will most likely collapse the Castle, so be careful. When you are done, build more! Make waterways, caves, bays and gulfs! Create cities, or for a real challenge, create islands! If you have problems, just comment and I will do the best I can to help you.
Step 5: Add to It!
If you have any ideas, corrections, improvements, just let me know! I will give you credit!
Here are some ideas to improve on:
Thanks for reading!
I give you, Lily, credit for the Concept of Drizzle Castling!
Here are some ideas to improve on:
- A Swand Dispenser, made from a icing thingy.
- Some way to make a permanent castle that wont break. Acrylic mabye?
- Different Materials besides sand to make a Castle.
Thanks for reading!
I give you, Lily, credit for the Concept of Drizzle Castling!
Step 6: Improvments/Corrections
This little mini-step is for adding improvements or corrections people found and commented about.
lindaspin says: After our castle is done I like to add the 'sugar/powder' on top, which is the fine, dry, white sand you find further away from the shore-line. It adds some character like a snow-capped mountain!
When I see a good comment with an even better idea, I will ask you if you would like to put it on the 'ible! Have fun Dribble Castling!
lindaspin says: After our castle is done I like to add the 'sugar/powder' on top, which is the fine, dry, white sand you find further away from the shore-line. It adds some character like a snow-capped mountain!
When I see a good comment with an even better idea, I will ask you if you would like to put it on the 'ible! Have fun Dribble Castling!