Introduction: Drumming Men Kinetic Sculpture

About: I'm a Mechanical Engineer who has been a part of this community for over 10 years! My interests have evolved over time, and now center around 3D printing.
This is a kinetic sculpture I made, using mainly 1/4" thick plywood and dowel rods.  It works using a crank to move a camshaft-like mechanism which pushes down on levers, which raise the men's arms.  The arms fall when the camshaft has passed the lever due to the weight of the marble on the end of the drumstick.  This hits the tin cans, making the sound. 

This was a fun but very long project, due to school commitments and such.  I had originally made it for the kinetic sculpture contest way back when, but did not finish it in time.  I've tried to convince myself to write the full instructable up, but the sculpture was since destroyed by falling off a shelf, and I don't have the motivation.