Introduction: UCL - Embedded // Dual Axis Light Tracker for Solar Panels
The assembled project and the individual 3D files
Step 1: Video Demonstraion
Step 2: Instruction: UCL - Embedded: Dual Axis Light Tracker for Solar Panels
Made by UCL students:
Group 6
simo39c4 and robe4083
This project is for a school assignment. The reason for choosing to make this project is to challenge our current abilities within both Arduino and 3D modeling and printing. It also just happens to be a great asset in the summer sun if paired with both a solar panel and a powerbank.
We made a this dual axis light tracker based on inspiration from other projects. The purpose of this build is to detect the direction of the brightest lightsource and point the trackers panel in that direction. Optionally, a solar panel can be fitted to the tracker. This ensures that a solar panel is always pointet in the optimal direction in relation to the sun. The tracker can be testet by pointing a bright light - a bright flashlight - at the tracker and moving the light around. The light sensors will see the flashlight as the brightest lightsource and move in its direction.
We 3D printed all the parts using Autodesk's Fusion 360 and Cura software from Ultimaker.
Inspired by
Step 3: Parts List
1x Arduino UNO
1x Solderless breadboard
2x SG90 Micro servo motors
4x LDR’s
4x 10k resistors
1x M6 nut and bolt
Step 4: Instructions
Print all the parts from the attached .stl files.
Having printet all the parts it's time to assemble the dual axis tracker.
Install the "gear shaft" on the bottom of the "base gear and panel mount" before placing the two combined pieces in the slot on the "tracker base".
Attach one of the servo motors to the printet base. This servo covers the horizontal movement.
The "horizontal serve gear" can now be fitted to the horizontal servo motor.
Attach the second servo motor to the "base gear and panel mount" before fitting the vertical gear to the servo motor.
Fit the "LDR divider" to the "panel bracket" in the slottet grooves. Once fitted the "panel bracket can now be attached to the "base gear and panel mount" by using an M6 nut and a bolt in the appropriate length.
Now hook up the wires according to the schematic and load program onto the Arduino using the provided code.