Introduction: Duck Tape Olympic Sign
Celebrate the Olympics with these fun, easy, and creative signs.
Step 1: Gather Materials
You will need;
*Assorted Duck Tape colors
*Assorted Duck Tape colors
Step 2: Strips
Pull and tear 3 or so medium pieces of duck tape, all the same size.Line them up, next to each other.
Step 3: Cloth
Take another 3 or so pieces and place them over lined-up pieces. This creates a cloth of duct tape.
Step 4: Fold
Fold the access over the edges of the duct tape cloth.
Step 5: Tear
Using the other color of duct tape, tear thin strips of duct tape.
Step 6: Circles
Turn the duct tape at angles to form circles. (3 on the top, and 2 on the bottom)
Step 7: Cut
If the area around the circles is uneven, cut that off.