Introduction: Duct Tape Top Hat (Slideshow)
This was a request from a friend of mine; a gentlemanly top hat crafted entirely of duct tape. Though a bit rushed in construction it holds its shape quite well and does not stick to the wearer's hair.
The overall construction of this hat took a few months. By a few months I mean aggreeing to the project in march and putting it off until august before hurredly throwing it together a few hours before the party.
This is not a hat covered in tape, nor is it tape over a paper core. This is 100% poly-vinyl rubberized adhesive glory fashioned in the classiest of styles.
The overall construction of this hat took a few months. By a few months I mean aggreeing to the project in march and putting it off until august before hurredly throwing it together a few hours before the party.
This is not a hat covered in tape, nor is it tape over a paper core. This is 100% poly-vinyl rubberized adhesive glory fashioned in the classiest of styles.