Introduction: Duct Tape Wallet With Hidden Credit Card Pockets

Hey everyone! When I was younger, I went through the whole duct tape phase, making bags, flowers for the end of pencils, pencil holders, signs, and wallets. I must have made around a dozen wallets! They started out pretty bad, but like everything, practice makes perfect, so here I am today with a cute, simple duct tape wallet that has two hidden pockets for your credit/gift cards. I hope you enjoy!


1 or 2 kinds of duct tape
Cutting board
Exacto knife

Step 1: Making the Body

We’re going to start by making a 7x8 inch duct tape sheet. Begin by taking the duct tape you want on the outside (you will see the outside duct tape much more) and lay your first piece of duct tape horizontally on your cutting board, just over 8 inches long. You want the duct tape to stick over the line a little bit on each side. This is important if you want a clean edge later. Once that piece is down, lay your next piece above it, overlapping the duct tape about 1/2 inch. Try to keep the edge as straight as possible, and once again, make sure it’s a little bit over 8 inches long. Continue this process until your duct tape sheet is 7 inches tall. Now it’s time to clean up the edges. Lay a ruler down on your cutting board at the 8 inch line (it should be laying vertical) and follow its straight edge with your exacto knife to get a clean, straight cut, and to get rid of those uneven ends. Do this on the other edge, too, and you should be left with a nice, cleanly cut sheet on all 4 sides.

Step 2: Making the Body Part 2

Now that you’ve finished the first part of your body, its time to cover the back so it won’t stick to anything. Slowly peel the sheet of duct tape off the cutting board and lay it sticky side up, the 8 inch side still laying horizontally. If you have a lined cutting board, I’d recommend laying it 1/2 inch below a line. This will help you line things up straight. Take your duct tape (now would be the time to switch colors if you’re using two) and slowly start to lay it on top of the other sheet of duct tape as straight as you can, 1/2 an inch from the bottom, and adding an extra 1/2 in length to both sides. This helps anchor it down to the cutting board. A quick overview: Looking at the duct tape, there should be 1/2 inch of sticky side up duct tape closest to you, a strip of duct tape about a half inch longer on both sides not sticky side up, than the rest of your duct tape sheet uncovered. Once you have your duct tape looking like that, continue to lay strips of duct tape onto the sticky side up sheet, stopping 1/2 inch from the top. So there should be 6 inches of covered duct tape, with a half inch of sticky duct tape on either side. Then you flip over your duct tape, and using your ruler, cut off the excess duct tape of your second color in a straight line, but KEEP THE 1/2 INCH ON EITHER SIDE FROM YOUR FIRST COLOR!! Only cut off the rough edges you just created. Than take the exposed 1/2 inch duct tape on both sides and fold it over, making a nice, clean, non sticky edge to your wallet.

Step 3: Crease It

Now that you have the body, it’s time to crease it. These creases will act as guidelines. Fold the duct tape in half so that it is still 8 inches long, but only 3 inches tall. Try to line up the edges as best you can. Then fold it in half again, but the other way, and you’ll be left with a 3x4 inch duct tape sheet.

Step 4: The Hidden Pockets

The hidden pockets may sound hard, but they are actually quite simple. It’s pretty much the same process as making the body, just on a smaller scale. Start by taking your first duct tape color and making a 4x4 inch square of duct tape, and then clean up the edges. Flip the duct tape sheet over, and carefully lay your second color of duct tape on top, leaving 1/2 inch of sticky side up duct tape uncovered at the bottom. Continue this process until you have covered all of the sticky side up stuff, EXCEPT 1/2 inch at the bottom and top. Flip over and cut off the uneven edges. Next, line up the non sticky part of the pocket with the wallet, 1/4 inch away from the vertical crease that marks the middle of the wallet, and using the half inch sticky flaps, secure the pocket to main body of duct tape. If it sticks out a little at the end, use your exacto knife to cut off the excess duct tape. Repeat this step to create the second pocket.

Step 5: Finishing It Off

Lay out two pieces of duct tape 3 inches long. You will use these to tape the ends together. Line up the duct tape with the side of the wallet, (laying the tape down vertically) and fold it over, creating a tight seal for the ends of the wallet. Once this is done, you’ve finished! Do whatever you please with your wallet, and I hope you enjoy!