Introduction: Dutch Oven Cobbler

Making dutch oven cobbler is a fast and easy desert to make. This is one of the first deserts I was taught In the Boy Scouts to make in a dutch oven. All you need is box cake mix, pie filling, butter, a dutch oven, and charcoal briquettes. From start to finish it should take abut 30 minutes. I will give you steps to cook and a easy way to clean the dutch oven when the cobbler is done.

Step 1: Ingredients and Utensils

  1. Tools
    1. Dutch Oven( This is for a 12 inch oven)
    2. Dutch Oven Lid Lifter (You can use pliers if don't have one.)
    3. Dutch Oven Lid Holder (You don't need one but nice to have)
    4. Charcoal Briquettes ( I use Kings-Ford but you can use the brand you like.)
    5. Charcoal Fluid
    6. Matches or Lighter
    7. Charcoal Briquette Chimney (This is optional. You can just put them in a pile.)
    8. Dutch Oven Liners (Used to make the clean up easy. You don't need this. )
    9. Paper Towels
    10. Can Opener
    11. Spatula
    12. Tongs
    13. Also Stuff to Serve with

Step 2: Ingredients

  1. Box Cake Mix (Any flavor is fine.)
  2. 1(One) Stick Of Butter
  3. 2(Two) Cans of Pie Filling(examples:peach, apple, cherry, pear, blueberry)
  4. Vegetable Oil

Step 3: Choose a Spot for Cooking

  • You will need a flat surface to place your dutch oven. There should not be any combustible materials around.
  • You also can use a grill if you don't have a place to set the dutch oven. Take out the top grate and use the bottom for the spot where the coals will sit.

Step 4: Light the Coals

  • You will need about 30 Briquettes to cook the cobbler.
  • You can use your chimney or lust pile them up to start.
  • Spray with lighter fluid and light.
  • When the coals are starting to look like ash they are ready.

Step 5: Prepare the Cobbler

  • Get your dutch oven and use a paper towel and lightly cover the inside with oil.

Now ether you can skip this or add the dutch oven liner( have the right size for your oven).

  1. Open the 2 pie fillings and use the spatula to pore and level in the dutch oven.
  2. Open the cake mix and dump over the pie filling.
  3. Break the butter in small chunks and drop around the top of the cake mix.
  • After you are done put the lid on and wait for the charcoal to be ready.

Step 6: Cooking the Cobler

  • When the Charcoal is ready, bring over the dutch oven with the lid on.
  • Arrange about half the coals (15) in a circle and place the dutch oven over that circle.
  • Place the rest of the coals in a circle on the lid of the dutch oven.
  • Wait till it is done.

Step 7: Serving the Cobbler

  • When the cobbler is done (about 15 to 25 minuets), the butter should be melted and you can smell the cobbler.Use the dutch oven lid lifter to lift the lid to check.(or pliers)
    • {If butter is not fully melted after checking at about 15 minuets then add more coals to the lid of the dutch oven.}
  • Remove the coals from the to of the lid and lift away from the coals that are underneath.
    • {The dutch oven will be hot, so place it on a surface that wont burn or melt}
  • Remove the lid and enjoy.

Step 8: Cleaning the Dutch Oven

  • If you used a dutch oven liner, lift and throw away the liner.
    • {Remove when the dutch oven has cooled down.}
  • Or scrap out the left over food.
  • Now boil water and pore in the dutch oven.{No Dish Soap}
  • Clean out the dutch oven.
  • Clean the lid.
  • Rinse out with clean water and dry.

Step 9: Reseason the Dutch Oven

Now grab the oil and paper towels.

  1. Pore a small amount in the dutch oven.
  2. Use the paper towels and coat the inside of the dutch oven.
  3. Also oil the under side of the lid.

Step 10: Conclusion

This is an easy desert to make using a dutch oven. You can now try any different pie fillings and cake mix.