Introduction: EASY Radio Receiver Arduino


this is my first instructable, but isn't the first Arduino project...

Let's Go...

Step 1: Get All Needed Parts (Parts List)

1 - Arduino Uno/Nano

1 - 10k Potenciometer

1 - Radio Receiver TEA5767

Some Wires

Step 2: Connect Wires

Connect all wires as shown in the picture...

Step 3: Build Code

This is the code that you will use.

You will need TEA5767Radio.h library for arduino

So, the includes will be:

#include <Wire.h>
#include <TEA5767Radio.h>
#include <math.h> //this is to round readed values

then we will declare variables:

TEA5767Radio radio = TEA5767Radio(); //declare radio as TEA5767Radio type
float freq, lastfreq; //freq and lastfreq should be float because we will use decimal values in MHz
int sensorValue; // this is to read potenciometer value

Now let's setting up arduino:

void setup(){




Then let's create our loop:

void loop() {

sensorValue = analogRead(A0);
freq = (sensorValue * (20.5 / 1023.0))+87.5;
freq = freq*10.0f;
freq = (freq > (floor(freq)+0.5f)) ? ceil(freq) : floor(freq);
freq = freq/10.0f; //round the freq value to a 1 decimal place


lastfreq=freq; //save frequency to check if frequency was changed
radio.setFrequency(freq); //sett choosen frequency
Serial.print("Frequency: ");



Step 4: Finally

Finally connect your headphones, start your Arduino, and start to listen your favourite radio...

Circuits Contest 2016

Participated in the
Circuits Contest 2016

Amps and Speakers Contest 2016

Participated in the
Amps and Speakers Contest 2016