Introduction: EASY Radio Receiver Arduino
this is my first instructable, but isn't the first Arduino project...
Let's Go...
Step 1: Get All Needed Parts (Parts List)
1 - Arduino Uno/Nano
1 - 10k Potenciometer
1 - Radio Receiver TEA5767
Some Wires
Step 2: Connect Wires
Connect all wires as shown in the picture...
Step 3: Build Code
This is the code that you will use.
You will need TEA5767Radio.h library for arduino
So, the includes will be:
#include <Wire.h>
#include <TEA5767Radio.h>
#include <math.h> //this is to round readed values
then we will declare variables:
TEA5767Radio radio = TEA5767Radio(); //declare radio as TEA5767Radio type
float freq, lastfreq; //freq and lastfreq should be float because we will use decimal values in MHz
int sensorValue; // this is to read potenciometer value
Now let's setting up arduino:
void setup(){
Then let's create our loop:
void loop() {
sensorValue = analogRead(A0);
freq = (sensorValue * (20.5 / 1023.0))+87.5;
freq = freq*10.0f;
freq = (freq > (floor(freq)+0.5f)) ? ceil(freq) : floor(freq);
freq = freq/10.0f; //round the freq value to a 1 decimal place
lastfreq=freq; //save frequency to check if frequency was changed
radio.setFrequency(freq); //sett choosen frequency
Serial.print("Frequency: ");
Step 4: Finally
Finally connect your headphones, start your Arduino, and start to listen your favourite radio...