Introduction: ESP-01 ADC Extra Pin Connect With NodeMCU Server OLED Display
ESP-01 ADC Extra Pin connect with NodeMCU Server OLED Display
Extra Pin on ESP-01
- GPIO 0 and 2 are already exist.
- GPIO 4, 5 and ADC are extra and will show you home to make it here
ESP-01 Parts :
- (1) ESP8266 - ESP01
- (2) Button
- (1) 3.3v converter
- (1) Light Sensor with 1KOhm
NodeMCU Parts:
- (1) 0.9 OLED
- (2) LED
- (2) 220Ohm
Tester :
- (6) LED
- (6) 220 Ohm
Home Make soldering iron head show as photo above.
Some steady hands and a small iron could tap it. So, i made it, it small.
Warning : make sure connect deep-sleep mode pin before silk it PIN 8 (XPD-DCDC)
But i forget it !!! So, i can not test deep sleep function
Ref :
More Detail :
Step 1: Connect Together
Connect all Together
Step 2: Test ESP-01 Extra ADC PIN
Test Extra
Test GPIO 0, 2, 4, 15
<p>for i=0, 6, 1 do <br> gpio.mode(i, gpio.OUTPUT) end</p><p>for i = 0, 6, 1 do print(i) gpio.write(i, gpio.HIGH) print("HIGH") tmr.delay(1000000); gpio.write(i, gpio.LOW) print("LOW") tmr.delay(1000000); end</p>
Test ADC Pin
This example is connect a light sensor with 220Ohm.
<p>-- in you init.lua:<br>if adc.force_init_mode(adc.INIT_VDD33) then node.restart() return -- don't bother continuing, the restart is scheduled end</p><p>for i=0,10 do print("System voltage (mV):", adc.readvdd33(0)) tmr.delay(1000000) end</p>
<p>System voltage (mV): 635<br>System voltage (mV): 685 System voltage (mV): 637 System voltage (mV): 574 System voltage (mV): 0 System voltage (mV): 0 System voltage (mV): 209 System voltage (mV): 213 System voltage (mV): 616 System voltage (mV): 672 System voltage (mV): 673</p> Now you can do anything analog read by esp01
Step 3: Test Client / Server With OLED Display
The following test is to send analog signal by ESP-01 ADC Extra Pin to NodeMCU and show on OLED
Test Client / Server with OLED Display
Client LUA
<p>function initADC() <br> if adc.force_init_mode(adc.INIT_VDD33) then node.restart() return -- don't bother continuing, the restart is scheduled end --for i=0,10 do -- print("System voltage (mV):", adc.readvdd33(0)) -- tmr.delay(1000000) --end end </p><p>wifiUp = function() wifi.setmode(wifi.STATION) wifi.sta.config(conf.wifi.ssid, conf.wifi.pwd) wifi.sta.connect() end</p><p>setPin = function() gpio.mode(0, gpio.INPUT) end</p><p>check = function() gpio.mode(2, gpio.OUTPUT) ip = wifi.sta.getip() if ip ~= nil then print(ip) gpio.write(2, gpio.HIGH) end end</p><p>--tempStatus = function() -- status,temp,humi,temp_decimial,humi_decimial = dht.read11(conf.pins.temp) -- t = { -- plain = temp, -- hash = crypto.toHex(crypto.hmac("md5", tostring(temp), conf.secret)) -- } -- return cjson.encode(t) --end</p><p>function urlEncode( str ) if ( str ) then str = string.gsub( str, "\n", "\r\n" ) str = string.gsub( str, "([^%w ])", function (c) return string.format( "%%%02X", string.byte(c) ) end ) str = string.gsub( str, " ", "+" ) end return str end</p><p>readSensor = function() return adc.readvdd33(0) end</p><p>b = true ctr = 0</p><p>payload = function( code ) --local t = tempStatus() --print(b) urlstr = "" if (b == true) then b = false urlstr = "GET /?pin=ON1&" .. "sensor=" .. readSensor() .. "&" .. -- "name=" .. urlEncode("Sanki Poon") .. "&" .. "value=" .. .. "&" .. "ctr=" .. ctr .. " HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: " .. conf.server.ip .. "\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\nAccept: */*\r\n\r\n"; --return urlstr; --return "GET /?pin=ON1&abc=101&name=Sanki%20Poon HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\nAccept: */*\r\n\r\n"; else b = true --return "GET /?pin=OFF1 HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\nAccept: */*\r\n\r\n"; urlstr = "GET /?pin=OFF1&" .. "sensor=" .. readSensor() .. "&" .. -- "name=" .. urlEncode("Sanki Poon") .. "&" .. "value=" .. .. "&" .. "ctr=" .. ctr .. " HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: " .. conf.server.ip .. "\r\nConnection: keep-alive\r\nAccept: */*\r\n\r\n"; end ctr = ctr + 1; return urlstr;</p><p>-- return "POST /proxy HTTP/1.1\r\n" -- .. "Host: localhost\r\n" -- .. "User-Agent: foo/7.43.0\r\n" -- .. "Accept: */*\r\n" -- .. "Content-Type: application/json\r\n" -- .. "Content-Length: " .. string.len(t) .. "\r\n\r\n" -- .. t end</p><p>sendData = function() sk = net.createConnection(net.TCP, 0)</p><p> retStr = payload(1)</p><p> sk:on("connection", function() --sk:send(payload(1)) sk:send(retStr) end)</p><p> sk:on("sent", function() sk:close() end)</p><p> sk:connect(conf.server.port, conf.server.ip) print("Sending..." .. retStr) end</p><p>conf = { wifi = { ssid='SweetHome', pwd='<Password>' }, pins = { board=3, temp=6 }, server = { port=80, ip='' }, secret = "secret", }</p><p>wifiUp() setPin()</p><p>tmr.alarm(0, 1000, 0, initADC) tmr.alarm(0, 4000, 0, check) tmr.alarm(1, 2000, 1, sendData)</p>
NodeMCU Server LUA
<p>-- setup SPI and connect display<br>function init_spi_display() -- Hardware SPI CLK = GPIO14 -- Hardware SPI MOSI = GPIO13 -- Hardware SPI MISO = GPIO12 (not used) -- CS, D/C, and RES can be assigned freely to available GPIOs local cs = 8 -- GPIO15, pull-down 10k to GND local dc = 4 -- GPIO2 local res = 0 -- GPIO16</p><p> spi.setup(1, spi.MASTER, spi.CPOL_LOW, spi.CPHA_LOW, 8, 8) disp = u8g.ssd1306_128x64_hw_spi(cs, dc, res) end</p><p>-- graphic test components function prepare() disp:setFont(u8g.font_6x10) disp:setFontRefHeightExtendedText() disp:setDefaultForegroundColor() disp:setFontPosTop() end</p><p>--init_i2c_display() init_spi_display() --disp:firstPage()</p><p>function showOLED(sensor, ctr) disp:firstPage() repeat prepare() -- SANKI --disp:setScale2x2() -- -- LINE ~ +9 -- disp:drawStr(36, 3, wifi.sta.getconfig()) disp:drawStr(0, 15, "IP : " .. wifi.sta.getip()) disp:drawStr(0, 24, "Mac:" .. wifi.sta.getmac()) if (wifi.ap.getip() ~= nil) then disp:drawStr(0, 33, "AP : ") disp:drawStr(30,32, wifi.ap.getip()) end if (ctr ~= nil) then disp:drawStr(0, 42, "PWM: " .. sensor) disp:drawStr(0, 51, "Ctr: " .. ctr) end --disp:undoScale() until disp:nextPage() == false end</p><p>wifi.setmode(wifi.STATION) wifi.sta.config("SweetHome","<Password>")</p><p>led1 = 2 led2 = 3 gpio.mode(led1, gpio.OUTPUT) gpio.mode(led2, gpio.OUTPUT) srv=net.createServer(net.TCP) srv:listen(80,function(conn) conn:on("receive", function(client,request) local buf = ""; local _, _, method, path, vars = string.find(request, "([A-Z]+) (.+)?(.+) HTTP"); if(method == nil)then _, _, method, path = string.find(request, "([A-Z]+) (.+) HTTP"); end local _GET = {} if (vars ~= nil)then for k, v in string.gmatch(vars, "(%w+)=(%w+)&*") do _GET[k] = v end end buf = buf.." </p> ESP8266 Web Server<p>"; buf = buf.." </p><p>GPIO0 ON OFF</p><p>"; buf = buf.." </p><p>GPIO2 ON OFF</p><p>"; local _on,_off = "","" if( == "ON1")then gpio.write(led1, gpio.HIGH); elseif( == "OFF1")then gpio.write(led1, gpio.LOW); elseif( == "ON2")then gpio.write(led2, gpio.HIGH); elseif( == "OFF2")then gpio.write(led2, gpio.LOW); end print("....... Start ............") print(; print(_GET.sensor); print(_GET.value); --str = "Counter : " .. _GET.ctr; print(_GET.ctr); showOLED(_GET.sensor, _GET.ctr); print("......... END .........."); client:send(buf); client:close(); collectgarbage(); end) end)</p><p>print(wifi.sta.getip())</p>