Introduction: ESP 8266 Nodemcu Ws 2812 Neopixel Based LED MOOD Lamp Controlled Using Webserver
In this Project we'll make a MOOD Lamp from nodemcu & neopixel and which can be controlled by any browser using local webserver.
Step 1: Basic Idea
Hello guys in this instructables i made MOOD LAMP based on Neopixel LED Ring with Nodemcu ESP 8266 and the Lamp is controlled by webserver hosted by nodemcu on the device. So the basic idea to is create a web server by nodemcu and to access that local web server by phone/PC browser & then sending commands by that page to control Neopixels LED by that local web server & light up the Lamp in different colors with different brightness by sending commands from the interface hosted by local web server and there are different modes to see different pattern lights , so enjoy making your own neopixel based web server controlled MOOD LAMP
Step 2: Gather Your Components
BUY Nodemcu ESP8266:
BUY WS2812 LED :
BUY WS2812 LED Ring:
To make this project we need three basic components
1- ws 2812 led ring or strip
2-Nodemcu esp8266
3- usb cable for power
Affiliate Buying link :-
Nodemcu (esp8266)-
Ws2812 neopixel (12 bit) ring -
Ws2812 neopixel (7bit) ring-
Ws2812 neopixel (3 bit) ring -
Ws2812 neopixel led strip -
Step 3: Prepare Your Circuit
The circuit is really simple all you need to do is connect the nodemcu Vin pin to Vcc of neopixel since we are using Vin pin of nodemcu for neopixel so don't use more than 5v as power for node mcu that's why i used usb cable supply then connect Gnd of nodemcu to Neopixel Gnd & Din pin of the neopixel to the D2 pin on nodemcu.
Step 4: Upload the Code
Download the zipped code from the given link :-
then open it in ARDUINO ide & in the code set the neopixel pin to D2 ( whatever the pin of data of neopixel is connected to nodemcu) then number of pixels which mean the no of LEDs on your neopixel then imput your ssid of your router or mobile hotspot upload the code.
Step 5: Prepare Enclosure
i made a box of cardboard to cover the electronics & the cap of LED bulb as a diffuser to make the light uniform in all direction, you can design whatever you like.
Step 6: Final Step : Let's Test It
In the final step let's the cable then the nodemcu will look for the network of which it has ssid & pass in the code and if network is found it will connect , now get any device connected to the same network or use same mobile of which you are using hotspot and from the browser type the IP as (mine is because i have changed it if you haven't changed yours try the given outside this bracket) and if you wanna know your ip then connect nodemcu to the PC & then open serial monitor & you'll get the IP then access the web server using that ip from browser & change the color brightness & mode of neopixel fron the browser & enjoy your own light show from your own MOOD LAMP .For issues refer video for better understanding.