Introduction: ESP32 LORA: Gas Sensor, Humidity, and Temperature by SMS

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Sensors, with an ESP32 LORA, can be easily designed for safety purposes involving gas, temperature, and humidity. Today, I’m going to show you precisely how to use this microcontroller module as a Sender and Receiver. Also, I'll show you how to use an Arduino Nano with an Ethernet module, and communicate over the Network. Considering that this subject is extensive, I promise to create a second article concerning this subject for next week, as well as a new video.

In this project, we have a simple assembly, which will work as an alarm to send SMS messages to your smartphone if problems arise. To do so, we will first employ a gas sensor module, MQ2, and the temperature and humidity sensor DHT22 (AM2302). Both will be read by the first ESP32 LORA, which will function as the Sender, and will send an alert to the second ESP32 Lora, which will be a Receiver. This provides safety for a situation such as a gas leak, for example.

Using a gas leak simulation, as in our demonstration (image above), the Sender will send a signal to the Receiver, which will turn on the Buzzer and the red LED. As the SPI port of this Receiver will already be busy, it will send the data via UART to the Arduino Nano. Through the SPI, it will then communicate with the Ethernet interface. The software on this Receiver will then send an SMS to your cell phone notifying a potential gas leak hazard.

The ESP32 will read the analog value and indicate the quantity of gas involved, and the risk of explosion in the analyzed location. This information will be directed to the SMS.

In our assembly, I placed an Ethernet cable interface on the Receiver. Why is this performed? Because we need reliability in this project, where there is guaranteed access even during WiFi failure. This ensures the sending of SMS, which can be replaced by email or connection, according to your preference and gateway availability.

Step 1: Operation (Data Transmission)

Here is a diagram of how the assembly works.

Step 2: Resources Used

2 ESP32 LORA OLED Display

1 Arduino Nano ATmega328

1 Ethernet Module ENC28J60 for Arduino

1 Gas sensor module MQ2

1 Humidity and Temperature Sensor DHT22 (AM2302)

2 330 ohm resistors

1 4k7 ohm resistor

1 Buzzer 5V

1 green LED

1 red LED


Step 3: Features - Sender

1 ESP32 LORA Display

1 Gas sensor module MQ2

1 Humidity and Temperature Sensor DHT22 (AM2302)

1 4k7 ohm resistor


Step 4: Features Used - Receiver

1 ESP32 LORA OLED Display

1 Arduino Nano ATmega328

1 Ethernet Module ENC28J60 for Arduino

2 330 ohm resistors

1 Buzzer 5V

1 green LED

1 red LED


Step 5: MQ-2 Gas Sensor Sensitivity

The resistance (Rs / Ro) of the sensor is higher or lower according to the existing gas concentration (ppm). This concentration can be visualized by the output of pin A0.

The MQ-2 gas sensor has high sensitivity to gases:

• LPG (liquefied petroleum gas);

• Propane (C3H8);

• Hydrogen (H2);

• Methane (CH4);

• Fuel gases, such as Propane, CO, Alcohol, and Butane (used in lighters).

Step 6: Sender Mount --- Pinout ESP32 LORA OLED

Step 7: Sender Circuit

Step 8: Sender Mounting

Step 9: Mounting Receiver --- Pinout Arduino Nano ATmega328

Step 10: Receiver Circuit

Step 11: Receiver Mounting

Green LED indicates that the Arduino is connected to the Ethernet client.

Red LED indicates that SMS has been sent.

When sending the SMS, the Arduino is disconnected so that no more messages are sent.

Step 12: DHT Library Installation

1. Go to Sketch->Include Library->Library Manager.

2. Search for SimpleDHT and click Install.

Step 13: Sender - Organization of the Code



- readDhtSensor: Function responsible for reading the sensor and obtaining values of temperature and humidity.

- gasDetected: Function responsible for reading the sensor and verifying that the gas has been detected.

- sendPacket: Function responsible for sending the package via LORA to the Receiver.

- showDisplay: Function responsible for displaying the messages and values obtained on the display.

Step 14: Sender Code [Includes and Defines]

First, we will include the libraries to make the definition of the pins.

#include <SPI.h>  //serial peripheral interface (SPI) library
#include <LoRa.h>  //wifi lora library
#include <Wire.h>   //communication i2c library
#include "SSD1306.h" //display communication library
#include <SimpleDHT.h> //dht communication library

//Descomment the line below which dht sensor type are you using
//#define DHTTYPE DHT11   // DHT 11
//#define DHTTYPE DHT21   // DHT 21 (AM2301)

#define DHTTYPE DHT22   // DHT 22  (AM2302), AM2321</p><p>// Pins definition 
#define SCK     5    // GPIO5  -- SX127x's SCK
#define MISO    19   // GPIO19 -- SX127x's MISO
#define MOSI    27   // GPIO27 -- SX127x's MOSI
#define SS      18   // GPIO18 -- SX127x's CS
#define RST     14   // GPIO14 -- SX127x's RESET
#define DI00    26   // GPIO26 -- SX127x's IRQ(Interrupt Request)

#define MQ_analog 12 //analog gas sensor pin
#define MQ_dig 13    //digital gas sensor pin
#define BAND    433E6  //Radio frequency, we can still use: 433E6, 868E6, 915E6

We will deal with the sensor of the variables used to receive the analog and digital signal, in addition to defining the minimum trigger value of the gas sensor.

// DHT Sensor<br>const int DHTPin = 23;
int analog_value;    //variable used to receive the analog signal from sensor (from 100 to 10000)
int dig_value;       //variable used to receive the digital signal from sensor
int gas_limit = 0;   //used to indicates the minimum value to active the gas sensor (that value changes as the sensor screw is adjusted)
//h = humidity; c = Celsius temperature
float h, c;

String packSize; //variable used to receive the size of package converted in string
String packet = "OK";   //part of packet, that informs the status of sensor. That variable will be concatenate with the string "values"
String values = "|-|-"; //humidity and temperature values, separated by pipe

//parameters: address,SDA,SCL 
SSD1306 display(0x3c, 4, 15); //display object
SimpleDHT22 dht22;

Step 15: Sender Code [Setup]

In the Setup, we will first configure the pins and the display.

void setup()
  //set the humidity and temperature values with zero
  h = c = 0;
  //initialize the Serial with 9600b per second
  //configures analog pin as input
  pinMode(MQ_analog, INPUT);
  //configures digital pin as input
  pinMode(MQ_dig, INPUT);
  //configures oled pins as output
  //reset oled
  digitalWrite(16, LOW);    
  //wait 50ms
  //while the oled is on, GPIO16 must be HIGH
  digitalWrite(16, HIGH); 
  //initializes the display
  //flip vertically the display

Next, we will define the print characteristics on the display, and start the serial communication with LORA. We then will proceed to its configuration.

//set display font 

  //wait 1500ms
  //clear the display
  //initializes serial interface
  //set Lora pins
  //initializes the lora, seting the radio frequency
  if (!LoRa.begin(BAND))
	//draw in the position 0,0 the message in between quotation marks
    display.drawString(0, 0, "Starting LoRa failed!");
    //turns on the LCD display
	//do nothing forever
    while (true);

Step 16: Sender Code [Loop]

In the Loop, we also work with the characteristics of the display, and indicate the procedures of reading the sensors, as well as gas detection and the sending of alerts by the LORA.

<p>void loop()<br>{
  //clear the display
  //set the text alignment to left
  //sets the text font
  //draw in the position 0,0 the message in between quotation marks
  display.drawString(0, 0, "Running...");
  //reads temperature sensor values
  //it concatenates on string the humidity and temperature values separated by pipe
  //if the digital signal of sensor is lower, it means gas detected (inverse logic)
    //sets the value of the packet string to "ALARM"
    packet = "ALARM";   
	//it concatenates the packet with the values
	//sends package by LoRa
	//shows display, true = gas detected

We define the information that will be sent by SMS.


    //sets the value of the packet string to "OK"
    packet = "OK"; 
	//it concatenates the packet with the values
	//sends package by LoRa
	//shows display, false = no gas detected
  //waits 250ms

Step 17: Sender Code [showDisplay]

Again, we deal with the display of data on the LORA’s display.

void showDisplay(bool gasDetected)
  //clear the display
  //set the text alignment to left
  //sets the text font
  //draw in the position 0,0 the message in between quotation marks
  display.drawString(0, 0, "Running...");</p><p>  //if flag = true
    //draw in the position 0,20 the message in between quotation marks
    display.drawString(0, 20, "Status: ALARM");
    //draw in the position 0,40 the message in between quotation marks
    display.drawString(0, 40, "Gas detected!");
    //turns on the LCD display
    //draw in the position 0,20 the message in between quotation marks
    display.drawString(0, 20, "Status: OK");    
    //draw in the position 0,40 the message in between quotation marks
    display.drawString(0, 40, "H: "+String(h)+" T: "+String(c)+"°");   
    //turns on the LCD display

Step 18: Sender Code [gasDetected]

Here, we have the function responsible for triggering a message if the sensor detects some type of gas leakage.

bool gasDetected()
  //reads the analog value of the sensor
  analog_value = analogRead(MQ_analog); 
  //reads the digital value of the sensor
  dig_value = digitalRead(MQ_dig);
  //obs: the serial views in this code do not influence the operation of the prototype
  //shows value to the serial
  //shows tab "||" to the serial
  Serial.print(" || ");
  //inverse logic
  if(dig_value == 0)
    //sets the minimum analog value
    if(gas_limit == 0 || gas_limit > analog_value)
      gas_limit = analog_value;
   //shows 'gas detected' to the serial
    Serial.println("GAS DETECTED !!!");
    //shows the minimum gas limit to the serial
    Serial.println("Gas limit: "+String(gas_limit));
	//gas detected
    return true;
    //shows 'no gas detected' to the serial
    Serial.println("No gas detected...");
   //if first time, shows 'X' to the serial
    if(gas_limit == 0)
      Serial.println("Gas limit: X");
    else //shows gas limit to the serial
      Serial.println("Gas limit: "+String(gas_limit));
	//no gas detected
    return false;

Step 19: Sender Code [readDhtSensor]

void readDhtSensor()
  // declaration of variables that will receive the new temperature and humidity
  float novoC, novoH;
  //waits 250ms
  //set dht22 sensor values tovariables &novoC and &novoH
  int err = dht22.read2(DHTPin, &novoC, &novoH, NULL);
  //checks for an error
  if (err != SimpleDHTErrSuccess) 
    //shows error in the serial 
    Serial.print("Read DHT22 failed, err="); 
  //if no error
  //sets the variable values
  c = novoC;
  h = novoH;
  //shows values in the serial 
  Serial.print((float)c); Serial.println(" *C ");
  Serial.print((float)h); Serial.println(" H");
  //waits 250ms

Step 20: Sender Code [sendPacket]

Finally, we opened a package to add the data for SMS sending.

void sendPacket()
  //starts a connection to write UDP data
  //send packet
  //returns an int: 1 if the packet was sent successfully, 0 if there was an error