Introduction: ESP8266 Bread Board Testing

About: Make it yourself if you cannot buy one ;)

This instructables show how to test ESP board on bread board without soldering, especially for ESP-07 and ESP-12(E) and may be ESP-03.

ESP board most require 2 mm pitch connector but most bread board are 2.54 mm pitch, It need some tricks on connect between ESP board and bread board.

Step 1: Preparation

  • 2 mm pitch male pin connector with 14 or more positions, e.g.
  • ESP board, ESP-07 and ESP-12(E) preferred because they have pin hole on the connector
  • 2 resistors for pull up and pull down resistor, it can be 1 - 12 k Ohms depends what you have in hand

Step 2: Cut and Bend the Connector

cut the connector, cut 7 positions each for ESP-03 and 8 positions each for ESP-07 and ESP-12(E).

Bend and adjust the long side of connector to fit for 2.54 pitch.

Step 3: Install Connector to ESP Board

Put the short side of connector to the ESP board pin holes.

Step 4: Install Pull Up and Pull Down Resistor

  • Install pull up resistor between EN pin and Vcc pin
  • Install pull down resistor between GPIO15 pin and GND pin

You may hide the resistors under the ESP board

Step 5: Install the ESP Board

Align the connector pin headers with the bread board hole and use some mild force push into it.

Step 6: Label ESP Pins

Stick masking tape on both side of the bread board and label the ESP pins for easy access.

Step 7: Flashing Firmware

For flashing the ESP firmware, temperately connect GPIO0 pin to GND pin. After flashing, remove it and reset.

Step 8: Happy Testing!

If you play with NodeMCU and OLED display, you may try my testing init.lua
