Introduction: ESP8266 NodeMCU Connect to Groov IoT

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This time we will test the Groov platform, but what is groov? Is a solution (IIoT) created by Opto22for the visualization, control and monitoring of industrial equipment from pc, mobile devices, tablets, smartphones and smart tv. It supports SNAP PAC controllers, Modbus TCP / IP devices and other PLC controllers from other brands such as Siemens, Allen Bradley, Yokogawa, Panasonic and others through connection to OPC UA Servers.

This tutorial will show the Connection of an ESP8266 12E NodeMCU and groov.

Tutorial completo: PDAControl Español

Pruebas Plataforma Industrial Groov y ESP8266 NodeMCU

Full Tutorial: PDAControl English

Testing Industrial Platform Groov and ESP8266 NodeMCU

Step 1: Video : Connection Platform Groov With ESP8266 NodeMCU : PDAControl

Tests Connection Groov Industrial Platform IoT with ESP8266 12E NodeMCU Module

Step 2: Components and Materials Required for Testing

Components and materials required for testing

ESP8266 12E

Diodes led


Converter TTL -USB



Step 3: Complete Info

Arduino IDE

A strategy has been created in Arduino IDE for the ESP8266 module which allows I / O control and communication as Slave modbus TCP / IP, 2 registers (Holding Registers) have been assigned to interact with groov.

ADC Signal Conditioning (0)
You must be very careful when using ADC (0) pin ESP8266 12E, TOUT, ADC (0) or pin 6 are some names by which this input will be identified, its resolution is 10 bits from 0 to 1.0V maximum, We have created a circuit based on a voltage divider and a diode to limit the input voltage in parallel to our light sensor, photoresist or LDR.

More Info & Donwloads

Tutorial completo: PDAControl Español

Pruebas Plataforma Industrial Groov y ESP8266 NodeMCU

Full Tutorial: PDAControl English

Testing Industrial Platform Groov and ESP8266 NodeMCU

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