Introduction: ESP8266 Two Serial Ports With SoftwareSerial Library

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In certain cases we need to use more than one Serial port in the case of arduino, I use the arduino mega 2560 which has 4 serial ports including the programming port, in the case of arduino's as the nano has a single programming port and as a solution Have created the softwareserial library, given the incompatibility of certain functions the softwareserial library for arduino does not work on esp8266.

Softwareserial Library

I have tested with ESP8266 NodeMCU and SoftwareSerial library of the espsoftwareserial repository created or supplied by plerup thanks for your contribution to the community.

Complete tutorials available
Tutorial completo: PDAControl Español: ESP8266 2 puerto seriales con libreria SoftwareSerial

Full Tutorial: PDAControl English ESP8266 two serial ports with SoftwareSerial library

Step 1: ESP8266 12E NodeMCU & SoftwareSerial

ESP8266 12E NodeMCU & SoftwareSerial

To verify the operation of the softwareserial library, I downloaded the library for esp and I have temporarily replaced the serial software version for arduino.

Although this is a basic test, it requires more complete tests regarding the configuration of more serial serial ports. The idea is to use this library in future integrations in Modbus RTU, Recommended

Step 2: Gateway: Test ESP8266 Master Modbus RTU to MQTT

Gateway: Test ESP8266 Master Modbus RTU to MQTT

Connect HMI Panasonic via RS232 to Node-RED Dashboard

Components and materials required for testing

Step 3: ​Complete Tutorials Available and Downloads

Complete tutorials available

Tutorial completo: PDAControl Español: ESP8266 2 puerto seriales con libreria SoftwareSerial

Full Tutorial: PDAControl English ESP8266 two serial ports with SoftwareSerial library